bennison@clt.DEC (Victor Bennison - DTN 381-2156) (01/08/86)
--- Is there someone on the net with a good atlas or map of Ontario who can pinpoint the towns of Mersea and/or Gosfield for me? None of my atlases or maps (including AAA) show these towns. One atlas at a local library listed them as existing, but did not display them (i.e., no grid reference. strange, huh?). Vick Bennison ...decvax!decwrl!rhea!tools!bennison (603) 881-2156 P.S. As a postscript to my recent note on the Mormon branch libraries. Please be advised that the branch libraries keep limited hours. The Nashua branch, for example, is open 7PM-10PM Wednesday and Thursday, 10AM-2PM Wednesday and 10AM-4PM Saturday. I don't know if they all keep the same hours or if they vary greatly.