ksh@cbosgd.UUCP (Karen Summers-Horton) (07/26/84)
As most of you know, the Usenix Association has funded a project to map the UUCP network, and develop mail and news software. The mapping portion of this project has completed 'Phase I' of their efforts. On August 3, we will begin to post this map to Usenet, so that we may get your feedback and help in making this map as accurate as possible. The map will be posted to net.news.map with a maximum file size of 50,000 bytes per article. It will be posted in a compacted format - a program to unpack these files has been posted to net.sources, and will be posted there again on August 3. The map will take a total of 10 days to be posted, ending on August 12 with the posting of a list of sites we consider 'unknown'. The total map takes up about 1 MB in the compacted format, so you may want to prepare for this. In order to accomodate the traffic in net.news.map, I will be posting the new Usenet directory on July 26, so it will be through by the time we begin this posting. The schedule for posting is as follows: August 3 Rick Adams will post the map for: MD, DE, VA, NJ, MA, RI, CT, WV, VT, ME, NH, DC August 4 Bill Welch will post the map for: NC, SC, GA, AL, FL, MO, IL, IN, OH, PA, TN, KY August 5 Greg Fowler will post the map for: MN, MI, WI, NY, ND, SD, Canada August 6 Doug McCallum will post the map for: CO, UT, OK, TX, NM, NE, KS, IA, AR, LA, MS August 7 Rick Kiessig will post the map for: WA, OR, NV, HI, ID, MT, WY, AK, Australia, Korea August 8 Karen Summers-Horton will post the map for: CA, AZ August 9 Teus Hagen will post the map for: Europe August 10,11, Gary Murakami will post the map for: and 12 if nec. AT&T August 12 Karen Summers-Horton will post the list of unknowns I would like to emphasize that all corrections and additions to the map should be sent directly to cbosgd!uucpmap and NOT to the people posting the map. Any comments or suggestions on the project should be sent directly to me (cbosgd!ksh). Thanks. Karen Summers-Horton