[net.announce] Here's the survey

wws@siemens.UUCP (William. W. Smith) (08/06/84)

I recently posted an ariticle to net.med describing some problems that I
have when I eat foods that contain NutraSweet.  In response to that
posting I received a letter from someone who had the same symptoms as I

When we ate things with NutraSweet in them we get very depressed very suddenly,
become unable to concentrate, and irritable.  The letter I received also said 
that he became more hungry than usual.  When we started to avoid softdrinks and
sweeteners with NutraSweet in them, those symptoms went away.

Net.med does not have a very large audience so the one response I got does not 
give an indication of how many people have these symptoms.   This posting to 
net.announce is as a survey of people who have noticed these or other symptoms 
from NutraSweet.  I would like to find out how many people have had a bad 
response to NutraSweet from a larger sample of people.

Information that would be useful:

1.  Your name and a reliable means to contact you. (to contact the FDA if
	I get enough complaints)
2.  What symptoms you associate with NutraSweet.
3.  Any information that you've noticed about the time frame of the effects or 
	amounts of NutraSweet needed to get the effects.
4.  Whether you've noticed if having a full stomach has any impact on the
	effects you feel.

Please respond by e-mail to:

decvax!astrovax! \
     ihnp4!mhuxi! --- princeton!siemens!wws

Bill Smith