[net.announce] Followup on CCP Examination Requests

bobl@aeolusluucp (05/03/85)

A couple of months ago, I posted an announcement about the Institute for
Certification of Computer Professional's CCP (Certificate in Computer
Programming) examination.  At the time, I offered to have copies of the CCP
brochure forwarded to those who requested them.

There seems to have been at least a partial mixup on the part of the
Institute -- some of those who requested CCP brochures (which have green on
white covers) received CDP (Certificate in Data Processing) brochures (white
on blue covers) instead.  Sigh!  This is a different exam which is probably
not as relevant as CCP for most people on the net.

I'm now trying to determine the extent of the mixup.  If (and only if) you
requested a CCP brochure and got a CDP brochure, please send net mail to me
at the address below.  Include your US (or whatever) Mail address if you'd
like me to try to mail the right one to you.

Unfortunately, it's now too late to register for the May 11 exam, but I'll
post an announcement (and try to send out brochures) again in the fall for
the December 7 one.  Thanks for your help.

	- Bob Lewis, CCP