[net.announce] Kermit Distribution on Okstate reorganized

vasoll@okstate.uucp (Mark Vasoll) (07/24/85)

The Kermit Distribution area at Oklahoma State University (Okstate) has been
reorganized to mirror Columbia University's master distribution.  The
/u/kermit path is no longer valid on our system and all Kermit materials have
been moved to new areas as follows:

Materials from TAPE A of the Columbia distribution (microcomputer Kermits)
are located in the directory "okstate!/usr/spool/uucppublic/kermit-a" (or
"okstate!~uucp/kermit-a" if you prefer).

Materials from TAPE B of the Columbia distribution (mini and mainframe Kermits)
are located in the directory "okstate!/usr/spool/uucppublic/kermit-b" (or
"okstate!~uucp/kermit-b" if you prefer).

More information on the new organization can be obtained from old issues of
the Info-Kermit Digest.


Mark Vasoll
Department of Computing and Information Sciences
Oklahoma State University

UUCP:  {cbosgd, ea, ihnp4, isucs1, mcvax, pesnta, uokvax}!okstate!vasoll

ARPA:  vasoll%okstate.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa