spaf@gatech.CSNET (Gene Spafford) (10/21/85)
You have already seen (or soon will see) newgroup messages for 18 new moderated groups. They are legit. As was discussed in for the last few weeks, the changeover from "fa" style groups to "mod" style groups has begun. The new "mod" groups (and are for gatewayed news articles from Arpa/Internet discussion lists. In a few days, you will also see a group of "rmgroup" messages for your existing "fa" groups. By the end of the month, no "fa" group should still exist in that form. I will issue a special edition of the "List of Active Lists" and "Checkgroups" message in a few days to help you sort it out. I will also issue a special edition of the list of moderated newsgroups which will include directions on how to submit articles so that they get to the moderator on the Arpa/Internet side, and thus into the newsgroup on both networks. These will appear in the group "mod.newslists". For those of you who don't read, let me summarize some of the major reasons why this change is occuring: 1) It more closely reflects the nature of these groups. All Arpa/Internet discussion lists are moderated, and articles submitted to the group must be mailed to the moderator. That wasn't clear with the "fa" groups, but it is precisely what is supposed to occur with "mod" groups. 2) In this form, the 2.10.2 and 2.10.3 news software supports submission to these groups. There was no way to support posting an article to a "fa" group (or post a followup) unless the user happened to know how to get directly to the moderator on the Arpa side, or unless the user knew the address on ucbvax which would gateway the submission. With the "mod" groups, simply putting the moderator name and path in the "moderators" file on each machine will result in "postnews" and "Pnews" (from Larry Wall's "rn" package) being usable to submit articles. And yes, there is now a reliable mechanism to get mail from uucp-only sites to the moderators on the Arpa sites -- I will explain in the posting of the moderators file in mod.newslists in a few days. 3) We can trim all the old dependencies out of the news software which recognized and dealt with "fa" groups. That should help reduce the size of the code and complexity of the software for release 2.10.3 and beyond. 4) Advances in news software and mailers have made it possible to make this work correctly for the first time. This is probably close to the way the groups would have been set up originally had only the software been in a mature enough state. 5) Better naming. Besides providing a beter structure, this also allows some opportunity to provide a more explanative name for some of these groups. Our experience has shown that (for instance) some people thought "fa.sun-spots" was for astronomy buffs, and that "fa.laser-lovers" was for physicists. The new names, "mod.computers.sun" and "mod.computers.laser-printers" should be more easily understood by someone who hasn't looked though the list of groups recently. If you have any questions or comments, direct them to me, or to Erik Fair (fair@ucbvax.UUCP). ---- Gene Spafford The Clouds Project, School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332 CSNet: Spaf @ GATech ARPA: Spaf%GATech.CSNet @ CSNet-Relay.ARPA uucp: ...!{akgua,decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,linus,seismo,ulysses}!gatech!spaf -- Gene "sometime in 1986" Spafford The Clouds Project, School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332 CSNet: Spaf @ GATech ARPA: Spaf%GATech.CSNet @ CSNet-Relay.ARPA uucp: ...!{akgua,decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,linus,seismo,ulysses}!gatech!spaf