[net.announce] Usenet reorganization

mark@cbosgd.UUCP (07/21/86)

Usenet will be reorganizing from two top level names (net and mod)
into seven (comp, sci, news, misc, rec, soc, talk) over the next
several months.  All system administrators were supposed to make
a change to their sys file to handle this by July 15.  So far, a
test sendsys message with distribution "comp" has generated 265
responses in 4 days.  This is good, although there are probably
still significant pockets of the net that aren't getting comp
and the other six new distributions.

This message was posted to newsgroup net.announce with no special
distribution.  This means everyone who gets net.announce should
get this message.

Another message was posted a day ago to mod.announce with distribution
"comp".  Yet another message was posted to mod.announce with no special
distribution.  If you are getting only this message and nothing in
mod.announce, something is wrong.  It is expected that this will be
the last message posted to net.announce, which has been renamed

See you all in mod.announce!

	Mark Horton