mort@ihuxn.UUCP (Having trouble.) (11/27/83)
A friend of mine wrote this puzzle on the board and I haven't found a way to do it except by finding a loophole in the rules. Here is the board: ------------------------------------------- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ------------------------------------------- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ------------------------------------------- The puzzle is to draw a line (please not on your terminal screen) WITHOUT LIFTING THE WRITING INSTRUMENT starting from any point not on an intersection of lines in such a way that every line segment is ONCE AND ONLY ONCE touched by your line. Every segment must be touched once. Look at the middle horizontal line: it has three segments, each of which must be touched once. You may pass through a line as long as yo do it only once. Here is the catch: YOU MUST NOT DRAW OVER YOUR OWN LINE. I hope I have made the directions clear enough. Ted Brown says it's impossible. Joe Slotkowski says it is blatantly obvious, and drew a mess of spaghetti that fit the rules and solved the puzzle, but I couldn't repeat it. -- Mort Dubman AT&T Bell Laboratories ihnp4!ihuxn!mort Naperville, IL.
spaf@gatech.UUCP (11/27/83)
Vg pnaabg or fbyirq nppbeqvat gb gur ehyrf tvira. Va snpg, gur chmmyr vf onfvpnyyl n irefvba bs gur Oevqtrf bs Xbavtforet ceboyrz fbyirq ol Rhyre. Yrg rnpu rapybfrq nern or rdhvinyrag gb n iregrk va n tencu, naq yrg rnpu yvar frtzrag frcnengvat gjb fhpu nernf or na rqtr va gur pbeerfcbaqvat tencu. (Gurer vf n iregrk pbeerfcbaqvat gb gur "bhgfvqr" bs gur svther juvpu vf pbaarpgrq gb nyy gur bgure iregvprf, cbffvoyl ol zber guna bar rqtr.) Gur ceboyrz cbfrq vf gurersber rdhvinyrag gb svaqvat n Rhyrevna cngu. Fhpu n cngu rkvfgf va n pbaarpgrq, aba-qverpgrq tencu vss gur ahzore bs iregvprf bs bqq qrterr vf 0 be 2. Hasbeghangryl sbe hf, gur tencu pbagnvaf 4 iregvprf bs bqq qrterr (gur "bhgfvqr" iregrk, gur iregrk pbeerfcbaqvat gb gur zvqqyr fdhner va gur gbc ebj, naq obgu iregvprf sebz gur obggbz ebj). Va n zber vaghvgvir znaare, pbafvqre gung nal obk jvgu na bqq ahzore bs fvqrf (frtzragf) zhfg unir gur cngu rvgure ortva be raq vafvqr bs vg; bgurejvfr, lbh arrq na rira ahzore bs fvqrf, orpnhfr rnpu ragenapr gb gur obk zhfg unir n pbeerfcbaqvat rkvg. Fvapr n pbzcyrgryl pbaarpgrq cngu guebhtu nyy gur fvqrf pna unir ng zbfg 2 raqcbvagf, gurer pna or ng zbfg 2 obkrf jvgu na bqq ahzore bs rqtrf. Gurer ner 4 fhpu obkrf, guhf gur ceboyrz vf vafbyhnoyr. -- Off the Wall of Gene Spafford School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332 CSNet: Spaf @ GATech ARPA: Spaf.GATech @ CSNet-Relay uucp: ...!{akgua,allegra,rlgvax,sb1,unmvax,ulysses,ut-sally}!gatech!spaf
ags@pucc-k (Seaman) (11/28/83)
The puzzle is indeed solvable if you are allowed to pass through a line lengthwise instead of merely crossing it. (This is what the statement of the problem seems to imply.) I won't attempt to draw a solution on the terminal, but it is fairly easy to find once you know that that is the secret. If tracing a line lengthwise is not allowed, then the "Seven Bridges of Konigsberg" reasoning applies and the problem is impossible. Dave Seaman ..!pur-ee!pucc-k!ags
glc@akgua.UUCP (g.l. cleveland ) (11/28/83)
Back in 1982, Martin Gardner had a cute story in "Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact" on the "box" puzzle. For those who still wish to play around with it I'll rotate (13) the following comments he brought out. Nf unf nyernql orra oebhtug gb gur arjftebhc'f nggragvba, gur chmmyr pna or rkcynvarq vaghvgviryl nf univat ab fbyhgvba fvapr gur ahzore bs rkvgf/ragenaprf gb gur svir "obkrf" qbrfa'g unir gur cebcre rirarff/bqqarff gb vg. Ubjrire, Tneqare cbvagrq bhg gung vs gur chmmyr jrer qenja ba gur fhesnpr bs n gbehf (qbhtuahg-funcr) jurer gur "ubyr" bs gur gbehf jnf ragveryl jvguva bar bs gur "obkrf", gura bar pbhyq pbzr vagb gung "obk" ivn bar bs vgf ragenaprf, yrnir ol jnl bs gur "ubyr" naq pbzr *onpx* vagb gur fnzr "obk" ivn nabgure bs vgf ragenaprf! Cheers, Lindsay Lindsay Cleveland (...{ihnp4|mhux?|clyde}!akgua!glc) AT&T Western Electric/Bell Laboratories ... Atlanta, Ga (404) 447-3909 ... Cornet 583-3909
ss@rabbit.UUCP (11/28/83)
------------------------- The puzzle is to draw a line (please not on your terminal screen) WITHOUT LIFTING THE WRITING INSTRUMENT starting from any point not on an intersection of lines in such a way that every line segment is ONCE AND ONLY ONCE touched by your line. Every segment must be touched once. Look at the middle horizontal line: it has three segments, each of which must be touched once. You may pass through a line as long as yo do it only once. ----------------------------- Take the liberty of going OUT of large rectangle. Nothing in the problem statement prevents this. Here is one possible solution ------------------------------------------- ! /\_________!_/\ ! /\ ! ! / ! \ !/ -----------| !/ ! \ !\ ! | !\ ! \---\ ! \ ! | ! \ ! | ! \ ! | --|---------------------|-------|---------- | ! / ! / ---/ ! / !/ ! / / !/ !\ !/ / ! ! \ ! \ / ! ! \ ! \/ ! ------------------------------------------- Just one of the many that can be drawn. Still possible even if you count the middle horizontal line as four line segments. Note that it is also possible to make a closed curve without violating the problem statement. The apparant difficulty comes from the mental block set by the enclosing rectangle. Sharad Singhal. rabbit!ss
gandalf@hogpd.UUCP (M.ESTIS) (11/29/83)
Mental block? Go outside the large box? WAIT... Aren't the outside edges line segments too?