ags@pucc-k (Seaman) (11/28/83)
Lucky you! You have come across an ancient map describing the location of buried treasure. The map directs you to an uncharted island (there aren't many of those left anymore) and tells where to dig when you get there. On the island (says the map) there are three distinctive landmarks: A palm tree, a mound of rocks marking a grave, and a gallows where mutineers were hung. The instructions for finding the buried treasure are as follows: 1. Starting at the gallows, walk a straight line to the palm tree, counting your steps as you go. When you reach the tree, make a quarter turn (90 degrees) to your LEFT, and walk an equal distance straight ahead. Mark the spot where you are now standing. 2. Starting again at the gallows, walk another straight line to the burial mound, counting your steps as before. When you reach the mound, make a quarter turn to your RIGHT and walk an equal distance straight ahead. Mark the spot you have reached. 3. Draw a straight line connecting the two points you have marked. Dig at the midpoint of this line. You manage to find your way to the island and discover that the tree and the mound of rocks are intact. To your horror, you discover that the gallows has long since rotted away. There is no trace. You restrain the impulse to start digging at random (the island is too big, and you don't have enough food and water). How do you find the treasure? I will post the answer later if no one gets it. Meanwhile, here is a small hint (rot13): Hfr pbzcyrk ahzoref. Dave Seaman ..!pur-ee!pucc-k!ags
garys@bunkerb.UUCP (Gary Samuelson) (11/30/83)
Anybody but me notice the self-contradiction in the following statement? "The map directs you to an uncharted island..."
gary@arizona.UUCP (12/02/83)
Ncbybtvrf. Gur fvzcyr fbyhgvba tvira jnf pbeerpg. Gur nanylgvp fbyhgvba unq na nevguzrgvp reebe naq V qvqa'g cebbsernq pnershyyl rabhtu. Gur pnyphyngvba bs gur cbvag sbhaq ol jnyxvat gb gur ohevny zbhaq fubhyq unir orra (-l+1,k-1) vafgrnq bs (-l,k-1) nf tvira. Sbe gubfr jub unir abg frra zl cerivbhf fbyhgvba, urer vf n ercrng. ================================================================== Urer vf n fvzcyr jnl gb fbyir gur chmmyr naq n cebbs bs gur fbyhgvba. Gur fvzcyr fbyhgvba vf gb nffhzr na nafjre. Vs gurer vf na nafjre, gur tnyybjf' cbfvgvba vf vzzngrevny. Cvpx nal cbvag sbe gur tnyybjf naq sbyybj gur qverpgvbaf. Lbh pna cvpx n pbhcyr bs cbffvoyr cbvagf sbe gur tnyybjf naq lbh jvyy nyjnlf jvaq-hc ng gur fnzr cbvag. Guvf fubhyq fngvfsl gubfr jub pbafvqre grfgvat gb or fhssvpvrag. Sbe gubfr jub qba'g jnag gb jnyx zhpu, urer vf na nanylgvp fbyhgvba. Pubbfr pbairavrag pb-beqvangrf. V nffhzrq gung gur cnyz jnf ng (0,0) naq gur ohevny zbhaq jnf ng (1,0). Univat qrgrezvarq bevtva, bevragngvba, naq fpnyr, V unir ab zber qrterrf bs serrqbz naq zhfg yrg gur tnyybjf or ng (k,l). Gur cbvag gung vf sbhaq ol jnyxvat gb gur cnyz, gheavat yrsg, naq jnyxvat gur fnzr qvfgnapr vf (l,-k). Gur cbvag gung vf sbhaq ol jnyxvat gb gur ohevny zbhaq, rgp. vf (-l+1,k-1). Gur zvqcbvag bs gurfr gjb cbvagf vf (1/2,-1/2). Abgvpr gung k naq l ab ybatre nccrne, fhccbegvat gur vaghvgvba gung gur tnyybjf cbfvgvba vf vzzngrevny. Gb svaq gur qvttvat cbvag, jnyx sebz gur cnyz unysjnl gb gur ohevny zbhaq, ghea evtug, jnyx gur fnzr qvfgnapr naq qvt. -- Gary Levin / Dept of CS / U of AZ / Tucson, AZ 85713 / (602) 621-4231