[net.puzzle] Puzzle from GAMES

berry@zinfandel.UUCP (03/16/84)

zinfandel!berry    Mar 15 07:58:00 1984

Ok, boys and girls, here's a puzzle from the latest GAMES magazine,
entered here to titillate you into rushing out and buying it, or
better yet, subscribing.  It's the Science section of the Elastic
Aptitude Test on page 24.

		S C I E N C E

In each group, choose the item that does not belong with the others.
Be prepared to defend your choices.

1.  a) celery  b) pineapple  c) strawberry  d) persimmon  e) currant

2.  a) condor  b)raven  c) flamingo  d) heron  e) piranha

3.  a) fir  b) chrysanthemum  c) cypress  d) beech  e) yew

4.  a) deer  b) dog  c) flea  d) wolf  e) rat

5.  a) sand  b) rock  c) Princess* Telephone  d) water  e) soil

*Princess is a trademark of Western Electric, or whoever they are this week.

And now the answers, rot 13 for your protection:

1.  pryrel vf gur bayl jbeq gung qbrf abg unir n qbhoyrq yrggre.
2.  cvenaun qbrf abg znxr n arj jbeq jura gur ynfg yrggre vf erzbirq.
3.  puelfnagurzhz qbrf abg unir n ubzbcubar (n jbeq gung'f fcryyrq 
    qvssreragyl ohg cebabhaprq gur fnzr.)
4.  syrn qbrf abg sbez n jbeq jura ernq onpxjneq.
5.  Cevaprff gryrcubar pnaabg or hfrq nf n ireo.

Berry Kercheval		Zehntel Inc.	(ihnp4!zehntel!zinfandel!berry)