[net.puzzle] Reduction analysis and inclusive symbology directed intuitively

williams@kirk.DEC (John Williams 223-3402) (08/03/84)

The answer to the five house problem is not so straight forward.

The first step to take was to solve the orientation of the houses.

The second house to the left was blue, being next to the norwegian on the
far left. The norwegian could not be red, that belonging to the englishman.
The norwegian could not be ivory, because of it's relative orientation to
green, nor could it be green leaving the second house from the left ivory.
The norwegian owned the yellow house. The middle house could not be green,
for the middle house drank milk, and not coffee, nor could it be ivory,
making the second house green, so it was red. The green and ivory fell into
place at this point.

Norwegian			English
				Milk		Coffee

The next step was to resolve who had what cigarettes.

The norwegian had the kools, which were in the yellow house, and the japanese
had the parliaments. Neither the ukrainian nor the englishman could have the
lucky strikes because they had a different drink than orange juice. This
meant that the old golds and the chesterfields were mutually inclusive to
the ukrainian and the englishman leaving the spaniard having the lucky

The next step was to solve who had what drinks.

The ukrainian had the tea, the englishman had the milk, and the spaniard
had the orange juice. This meant that the water and coffee were mutually
inclusive to the norwegian and the japanese. Since the norwegian's house
was yellow, he could not have the coffee. Therefore, the japanese had the

The next step was to solve who lived where.

The norwegian lived in the yellow house, the englishman lived in the red
house, and because the japanese drank coffee, the japanese lived in the
green house. This meant that the blue and the ivory houses were mutually
inclusive to the ukranian and the spaniard. Since the blue house had a
horse, and the spaniard had a dog, this meant that the ukrainian owned
the blue house and the spaniard owned the ivory house.

The next step was to solve who had what cigarettes previously incomplete.

The old gold and the chesterfields belonged mutually inclusively to the
ukrainian and the englishman. Since the ukrainian lived in the blue and
had the horse, and the man with the snails also had the old golds, the
ukrainian had the chesterfields and the englishman had the old golds.

The next step was to solve who had what animals.

The ukrainian had the horse, the englishman had the snails, and the
spaniard had the dog. This meant that the fox and zebra belonged mutually
inclusively to the norwegian and japanese. Since the japanese did not live
next to the ukrainian, who had the chesterfields, he could not have the
fox. Therefore, the norwegian had the fox and the JAPANESE OWNED THE ZEBRA.

Norwegian	Ukrainian	English		Japanese	Spaniard
Fox		Horse		Snails		Zebra		Dog
Water		Tea		Milk		Coffee		Juice
Kools		Chesterfields	Old Golds	Parliaments	Lucky Strikes

This one definitely had a few wrinkles.

		John Williams		Digital Equipment Corperation

(UUCP)		{decvax, ucbvax, allegra}!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-kirk!williams
(ARPA)		williams%kirk.DEC@decwrl.ARPA