[net.puzzle] Solve 1 + 11 + 111 + 1111 +...

amitabha@rochester.UUCP (Amitabha Mukhopadhyay) (02/13/85)

In article <545@decwrl.UUCP> osman@sprite.DEC (Eric Osman) writes:

>Subject: solve 1 + 11 + 111 . . . + n 1's
>Let n1 be the last number in the sequence, i.e. n 1's.
>The answer for a given n is 1 + 11 + 111 + . . . + n1
>	a(n) = (10*n1 - n) / 9
>The way I solved it was to observe that the sum is a portion of an infinite
>converging geometric series........

In what may be a simpler process, let s be the sum desired. Then resolving
into powers of 10,

	s = 10**(n-1) + 2*10**(n-2) + .. + m*10**(n-m) + .. + n*1

Dividing s by 10,
	s/10 =            10**(n-2) + .. + (m-1)*10**(n-m) +..+ (n-1) + n/10

(s-s/10) is clearly a geometric series in 10 with a residue of -n/10.

	0.9*s = 10**(n-1) + 10**(n-2) + .. + 10**(n-m) + .. + 1 - n/10
	      = (10**n - 1)/9 - n/10
	s = (10**n - 1)/8.1 - n/9

Which can be simplified to Eric's format if we write 10**n - 1 = n1 * 9,
where n1 is n 1's (111111.. n times).

	s = n1 * 10/9 - n/9  = (n1*10 - n)/9

>At this point, I smiled and went back to more important(?) hacking.

Amitabha Mukerjee				<amitabha@rochester.arpa>

		Here's to you and here's to me
		    And I hope we never disagree,
		But if we do then to heck with YOU,
		    And here's to ME!