[net.puzzle] *SPOILER* Short sequences of assembly language instructions

ech@spuxll.UUCP (Ned Horvath) (06/21/85)

<The line eater got Steve Jobs' old job>

> The following 5 instruction routine is written in 68000 code.
> What does it do?  
> ; D0 and D1 are 32 bit registers.
>     move.l d0,d1          ;     d1 := d0
>     bra.s L2              ;     goto L2
> L1: sub.l d1,d0           ; L1: d0 := d0 - d1 
> L2: lsr.l #1,d1           ; L2: d1 := d1 div 2
>     bne.s L1              ;     if d1 <> 0 then goto L1

It counts the number of bits set in d0, leaving the result in d0 (and
leaves d1 with a value of zero).

To see this, suppose the 2^i bit is set, i>=0.  On successive passes through
the loop the values 2^(i-1), 2^(i-2),...2^0 will be subtracted from d0.
Thus the net contribution of that bit to the final result is 2^i minus
the sum of the sequence, which is 2^i-1.  Hence each set bit contributes 1
to the final sum.
