[net.misc] Mormons not Christians!?

myers@uwmacc.UUCP (Jeff Myers) (01/13/85)

> > 
> > 		Falwell/Moral Majority		8
> > 		Fundamentalist Christians	4
> > 		Jews for Jesus			2
> > 		Moonies				2
> > 		Campus Crusade for Christ	1
> > 		Mormons				1
> > 		-------------------------	-
> > 		Total Miscelaneous Xians	18
> > 
>    Um, I beg to differ, but neither the Moonies and Mormons are "Christians".
> Now, I'm not saying that the others are particularly _good_ examples of
> Christians, but the others just down fit it that category.
>    Try: "Miscelaneous Loony-toons", perhaps.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ray Lubinsky		     University of Virginia, Dept. of Computer Science
> 			     uucp: decvax!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!rwl
> 		"Always looking for a better way, I am!"

I suggest you find out more about the Mormon church, "The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints".  Moonies I'm not qualified to comment on.

Jeff Myers				The views above may or may not
University of Wisconsin-Madison		reflect the views of any other
Madison Academic Computing Center	person or group at UW-Madison.
ARPA: uwmacc!myers@wisc-rsch.arpa
uucp: ..!{ucbvax,allegra,heurikon,ihnp4,seismo}!uwvax!uwmacc!myers

schmidt@reed.UUCP (Alan Schmidt) (01/22/85)

>>    Um, I beg to differ, but neither the Moonies and Mormons are "Christians".
>> Now, I'm not saying that the others are particularly _good_ examples of
>> Christians, but the others just down fit it that category.
>>    Try: "Miscelaneous Loony-toons", perhaps.
>> Ray Lubinsky
> I suggest you find out more about the Mormon church, "The Church of Jesus
> Christ of Latter Day Saints".  Moonies I'm not qualified to comment on.
> Jeff Myers

	Many Christian groups do not consider The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints to be Christian.  Therefore, it is not rhetorically
incorrect to say Mormons are not Christian.

	I'm familiar with the convention, but I'm not too keen on the
exact reasons behind it, though I suppose I could find out if someone
really really needed to know (currently, supper starts in a half hour,
so I'm not taking the research time).

				-- Alan

larsen@druxo.UUCP (LarsenME) (01/24/85)

>	Many Christian groups do not consider The Church of Jesus Christ
>of Latter Day Saints to be Christian.  Therefore, it is not rhetorically
>incorrect to say Mormons are not Christian.
> ...
>				-- Alan
>				(..tektronix!reed!schmidt)

Webster: "rhetoric - 1. the art of speaking or writing effectively."

Unfortunately, "effective" writing does not imply accuracy, so I cannot
dispute the second statement above.  However, I would suggest that "many
Christian groups" are as much in the dark about Mormons as the poster of
the original article.  After all, you don't go to IBM or Xerox to get
answers to your questions about a VAX, but the right folks at Digital can 
tell you all you want to know.  You may not like the answers, but you get
it from the source, not from rumor or hearsay.

				    Mark E. Larsen

P.S. These are my own views, not those of my employer.

spaf@gatech.UUCP (Gene Spafford) (01/24/85)

(I've dropped net.philosophy, net.politics, and net.religion from this
 reply, for (hopefully) obvious reasons.)

In article <783@druxo.UUCP> larsen@druxo.UUCP (LarsenME) writes:
>Unfortunately, "effective" writing does not imply accuracy, so I cannot
>dispute the second statement above.  However, I would suggest that "many
>Christian groups" are as much in the dark about Mormons as the poster of
>the original article.  After all, you don't go to IBM or Xerox to get
>answers to your questions about a VAX, but the right folks at Digital can 
>tell you all you want to know.  You may not like the answers, but you get
>it from the source, not from rumor or hearsay.

That's a poor example, I'm afraid.  We've been trying for weeks to get
some detailed information about Vax architecture so we can resolve
some problems in the Clouds system (I'm writing an OS from scratch),
but all I've gotten so far are sales people asking me why I'm not
trying to write it under VMS!  Arrrrggggghhhhh!!!!  And did you know
that if you buy any CI equipment, you can't get *ANY* documentation
to write your own device drivers?  That's company confidential and
not expected to be released for some time.  It's a good thing we 
found out in time so we didn't buy any CI's.  And that's just the

That doesn't invalidate the point you're trying to make, but I'm so
frustrated with DEC-oids (the stories we could tell...and may), I 
just had to say something.  I feel better now.  Thanks.
We resume the disaster, already in progress.
Gene "7 months and counting" Spafford
The Clouds Project, School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332
CSNet:	Spaf @ GATech		ARPA:	Spaf%GATech.CSNet @ CSNet-Relay.ARPA
uucp:	...!{akgua,allegra,hplabs,ihnp4,linus,seismo,ulysses}!gatech!spaf

bch@ecsvax.UUCP (Byron C. Howes) (01/30/85)

In article <837@reed.UUCP> schmidt@reed.UUCP writes:
>	Many Christian groups do not consider The Church of Jesus Christ
>of Latter Day Saints to be Christian.  Therefore, it is not rhetorically
>incorrect to say Mormons are not Christian.
Many Christian groups do consider the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints to be Christian.  Therefore, it is not rhetorically
incorrect to say Mormons *are* Christian.

By any objective standard, the Mormons would appear to be disciples of
Christ following an intellectual tradition different from that of
Apostolic christianity.  That they differ from "mainstream" christi-
anity in this day and age and that they aren't fundamentalist
christians does not preclude them from being generically christian.
Remember, at one time "mainstream" christianity did not consider
protestant christians to be christians.


                                              Byron Howes
					System Manager -- NCECS

sm@cadre.UUCP (01/30/85)

In article <837@reed.UUCP> schmidt@reed.UUCP (PUT YOUR RELIGION HERE) writes:
>	Many Christian groups do not consider The Church of Jesus Christ
>of Latter Day Saints to be Christian.  Therefore, it is not rhetorically
>incorrect to say Mormons are not Christian.

Whoa! I would argue that the opinion of "Many Christian groups" is of
no value, whatsoever, in determining who is a Christian [a person pro-
fessing belief in Jesus as the Christ *OR* in the religion based on the
teachings of Jesus - Webster]. Hitler's Germany and the Crusaders are
examples of "Christians" that I am sure Jesus would have disavowed; so
much for the opinion of self-proclaimed Christians.

Haven't we seen enough of this discussion?

Sean McLinden

sm@cadre.UUCP (01/30/85)

In article <588@ecsvax.UUCP> bch@ecsvax.UUCP (Byron C. Howes) writes:
>            ...  That they differ from "mainstream" christi-
>anity in this day and age and that they aren't fundamentalist
>christians does not preclude them from being generically christian.
>Remember, at one time "mainstream" christianity did not consider
>protestant christians to be christians.

Last I heard, "Christ" was a title and "Jesus Christ" a person.
Convention suggests that "Christian" should be capitalized for
those reasons (independent of religious belief). Our language
is degenerating enough as it is and besides, capital letters add
flair to a sentence.

Sean McLinden
(A former Teletype user)

bmt@we53.UUCP ( B. M. Thomas ) (02/01/85)

>.....................  After all, you don't go to IBM or Xerox to get
>answers to your questions about a VAX, but the right folks at Digital can 
>tell you all you want to know.  You may not like the answers, but you get
>it from the source, not from rumor or hearsay.
>				    Mark E. Larsen
>				    ...ihnp4!druxo!larsen

In that case, have I got a deal for you!! :-?


david@fisher.UUCP (David Rubin) (02/01/85)

I do not see how this series of articles is appropriate for

					David Rubin

srm@nsc.UUCP (Richard Mateosian) (02/03/85)

I'm sure this discussion doesn't need to continue to be cross-posted to five
newsgroups.  Couldn't you edit the "Newsgroups: " line next time you
follow up on the last follow-up to your previous follow-ups.  I suggest
paring it down to net.religion.
Richard Mateosian
{allegra,cbosgd,decwrl,hplabs,ihnp4,seismo}!nsc!srm    nsc!srm@decwrl.ARPA