[net.lang.mod2] Academic Modula-2 User Survey

mazlack@ernie.BERKELEY.EDU (Lawrence J. &) (11/28/85)

25 November, 1985

A little while ago, I asked for information about where and how Modula-2
was or was about to be used in academic courses.  I didn't get very many 
responses.  However, they are summarized below.

I suspect that there are more.  If you are currently using Modula-2 in
a class, or about to do so, I would appreciate hearing from you.  I'll
update this summary and repost it if I get ANY additional information.

Please send it to me in the following format:
(a) institution,
(b) course number, name
(c) level of course (freshman, soph, junior, senior, grad, etc.),
(d) text used,
(e) compiler used,
(f) hardware configuration,
(g) contact person,
(h) miscl.

institution   | course #, name|levl| text    |compiler | configuration| contact
U. California |CS162 Operating| j,s|Wirth    |Powell   |UNIX/VAX750   |     
at Berkeley   |        Systems|    |         |         |              |  
Indianapolis U|CSCI 445,446:  |sn,g|Wirth    |Hamburger|VMS/VAX780    |Chingman
at Bloomingon |  Informatn Sys|    |         |         |              |Jim Lo
Indiana U -   |CSCI 450 Softwr|sn,g|Wirth    |Hamburger|VMS/VAX780    |Chingmin
 Purdue U at  |CSCI 461 Prg Ln|sn,g|         |         |              |Jim Lo
Indianapolis  |CSCI 502,503   |sn,g|         |         |              |
              |      Compilers|    |         |         |              |
              |CSCI 503 Op Sys|sn,g|         |         |              |
Pennsylvania  |CS153 Data Strc| g  |Wirth--> |Powell   |UNIX4.2/VAX780|Parker 
State         |               |    | Ford,   |         |              |
              |               |    | Wiener  |         |              |  
Rockefeller U |prog skills for| mi |Christian|Logitech |IBM PC        |Kaare 
              |  lab computers|    |         |         |              |Christian
SUNY Buffalo  |CS 113 Intro **| f  |open     |open     |Mac or Cyber  |Deepak 
              |CS 305 Prog Sys| sn |Gleaves  |Powell   |UNIX4.3/VAX780|Kumar
              |CS 505 Prog Sys| g  |Gleaves  |Powell   |UNIX4.3/VAX780| 
U. Utah       |simulation     |j,sn|Gleaves  |Powell   |???/VAX780    |Richard M
              |               |    |         |         |              |Fujimoto
U. Wisconsin  |CS 564 Intro DB|sn,g|Wirth    |Powell   |UNIX/VAX750   |Michael J
  at Madison  |               |    |         |         |              | Carey 

  f = freshman 
  s = sophmore
  j = junior
  sn= senior
  g = graduate
  mi= miscellaneous

The information that I have on the compilers is:

(a) Hamburger: packaged with the Wirth book.  Available from: ???
(b) Logitech: runs on IBM PC's, VAXs (op sys=???).  Available from:
      Logitech, Inc
      805 Veterans Blvd
      Redwood City, CA 94063

(c) Powell: runs on VAXs, either UNIX or VMS.  Available from:
      Michael L. Powell
      Digital Equipment Corp.
      Western Research Laboratory
      100 Hamilton Ave
      Palo Alto, CA 94301

I'll cheerfully update the compiler information, as I get it.

Also, next time around, I'll provide fuller bibliographic data on the texts.

mazlack@ernie.BERKELEY.EDU (Lawrence J. &) (12/19/85)

19 December, 1985

A little while ago, I asked for information about where and how Modula-2
was or was about to be used in academic courses. I am slowing acccumulating  
responses.  I am pretty sure that there is a lot more activity than this out
there.  When I get some more, I will again repost.

If you are currently using Modula-2 in a class, or are about to do so,
I would appreciate hearing from you.  I will update and repost this survey
as I get additional information.

Please send it to me in the following format:
(a) institution,
(b) course number, name
(c) level of course (freshman, soph, junior, senior, grad, etc.),
(d) text used,
(e) compiler used,
(f) hardware configuration,
(g) contact person,
(h) miscl.

institution   | course #, name|levl| text    |compiler | configuration| contact
U. British    |CPSC 210 data  | s  |Beidler& |ETHZ     |Mac 512       |Vincent
Columbia      |  struc & softw|    |Jackowitz|MacLogimo|              |Manis
              |  design       |    | & Kruse | v 1.2   |              |
U. California |CS162 Operating|j,sn|Wirth    |Powell   |UNIX/VAX750   |     
at Berkeley   |        Systems|    |         |         |              |  
U. Colorado   |CS110 Intr Prog| f  |Sincovec |Logitech |Zenith ZW-2xx |Roger
at Colorado   |CS145 Data Str | f  | & Weiner| v1.1    | (IBM AT      |Fulton
   Springs    |      & Algorth|    |         | ----->  |  compatible) |
              |CS245 Data & Al| s  |         | v2.0    |              |
Indianapolis U|CSCI 445,446:  |sn,g|Wirth    |Hamburger|VMS/VAX780    |Chingman
at Bloomingon |  Informatn Sys|    |         |         |              |Jim Lo
Indiana U -   |CSCI 450 Softwr|sn,g|Wirth    |Hamburger|VMS/VAX780    |Chingmin
 Purdue U at  |CSCI 461 Prg Ln|sn,g|         |         |              |Jim Lo
Indianapolis  |CSCI 502,503   |sn,g|         |         |              |
              |      Compilers|    |         |         |              |
              |CSCI 503 Op Sys|sn,g|         |         |              |
Pennsylvania  |CS153 Data Strc| g  |Wirth--> |Powell   |UNIX4.2/VAX780|Parker 
State         |               |    | Ford,   |         |              |
              |               |    | Wiener  |         |              |  
Rockefeller U |prog skills for| mi |Christian|Logitech |IBM PC        |Kaare 
              |  lab computers|    |         |         |              |Christian
SUNY Buffalo  |CS 113 Intro **| f  |open     |open     |Mac or Cyber  |Deepak 
              |CS 305 Prog Sys| sn |Gleaves  |Powell   |UNIX4.3/VAX780|Kumar
              |CS 505 Prog Sys| g  |Gleaves  |Powell   |UNIX4.3/VAX780| 
U. Utah       |simulation     |j,sn|Gleaves  |Powell   |???/VAX780    |Richard M
              |               |    |         |         |              |Fujimoto
U. Wisconsin  |CS 564 Intro DB|sn,g|Wirth    |Powell   |UNIX/VAX750   |Michael J
  at Madison  |               |    |         |         |              | Carey 

** ---> under development

  f = freshman 
  s = sophmore
  j = junior
  sn= senior
  g = graduate
  mi= miscellaneous

The information that I have on the compilers is:

(a) Hamburger: packaged with the Wirth book.  Available from: ???
(b) Logitech: runs on IBM PC's, VAXs (op sys=???).  Available from:
      Logitech, Inc
      805 Veterans Blvd
      Redwood City, CA 94063

(c) Powell: runs on VAXs, either UNIX or VMS.  Available from:
      Michael L. Powell
      Digital Equipment Corp.
      Western Research Laboratory
      100 Hamilton Ave
      Palo Alto, CA 94301

I'll cheerfully update the compiler information, as I get it.

Larry Mazlack
  UUCP		{tektronix,dual,sun,ihnp4,decvax}!ucbvax!ucbernie!mazlack
  New style	mazlack@ernie.berkeley.edu	
  ARPA | CSNET	mazlack%ernie@berkeley.ARPA
  BITNET   	mazlack@ucbernie.BITNET
  telephone     (415) 528-0496
  snail         CS Dept, 571 Evans, U. California, Berkeley, CA 94720