wpl@burdvax.UUCP (04/09/86)
I just got off the phone with TDI, and they just told me some of the problems their current release has. 1) STREAMS. The streams are messed up because the parameters in the streams.mod should have been reference parameters not value. 2) EOF. In the module InOut, change the statements "Done := in.res = Streams.Done;" to "Done := in.res = Streams.Done & ~ in.EOF;" 3) Don't name any filenames "t.mod". It will crash the linker. (this even baffles the Developers) 4) Wait and GetMessage don't work correctly (Bug fix is comming) 5) AmigaX.sym is Trashed on the distribution disk. (The .lnk file in OK) Les (one of TDI's support people) tells me that a bug fix disk will be mailed out soon. Does anyone want to start a mailing list for Modula-2 on the Amiga? If so send me your name and submitions; I'll act as moderator for the list. William Loftus Work: SDC R&D PO Box 517 Paoli, PA 19301 215-648-7222 Home: 718 Bell Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 215-628-2067 (After 10pm before 2am EST)