[net.lang.mod2] Misc.

XBR2D96D@DDATHD21.BITNET (04/02/86)


1.) Modula-2 for AMIGA: Thanks to all the people who sent me
                        pointers. They all derefernced to TDI Ltd.
                        We will try to get it from them.

2.) Modula- for VMS 4.2: There was a request for a free Modula-2
                         compiler for VAX/VMS V4.2. Please try:

      Dr. Joachim W. Schmidt
      Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitaet
      Fachbereich Informatik
      Dantestrasse 9

      D-6000 Frankfurt/Main, West-Germany
      UUCP: BEECKEN@RBIFFM.UUCP (I'm not an UUCP guru, so the
                                 address will probably be incorrect.
                                 But I'm shure about node and user)

    You can get the compiler and library (binaries and sources)
    for a 200 US$ handling charge on a 9-track 1600bpi tape.
    (The compiler is FREE, it's the handling that costs....)

    The compiler generates native VAX/VMS object-code. You can
    incorporate object modules from other programming languages
    through an (** my opinion **) very useful language extension.

3.) We are using the LOGITECH MSDOS Modula-2 compiler. Does anybody
    know about an "foreign object module importer" for this software?
    We want to mix Modula programms with existing C and FORTRAN
    routines. We are especially interested in "public domain" software.

4.) Has anybody experience with LOGITECH MSDOS Modula-2 vs. a product
    called M2SDS. It's manufactured by "Interface Technologies Corp."?


Martin Knoblauch
Dept. for Physical Chemistry 1
Petersenstrasse 20
D-6100 Darmstadt

zemon@fritz.UUCP (Art Zemon) (04/09/86)

In article <8604021130.3020@ur-cayuga.rochester.arpa> XBR2D96D@DDATHD21.BITNET writes:
>4.) Has anybody experience with LOGITECH MSDOS Modula-2 vs. a product
>    called M2SDS. It's manufactured by "Interface Technologies Corp."?

I have a copy of M2SDS and am pretty happy with it.  I purchased
it because I wanted an inexpensive way to learn about the
language.  M2SDS is just that.  Debugging support is nonexistent
unless you spend another $80.  (The original package only cost
~$50.)  The editor has a few bugs.  On the other hand, it is
reasonable quick and easy to work with.  It generates fast and
correct code.  For a learning tool, who can ask more?

From the things I have heard about Logitech's product, it sounds
significantly better.  It you want to write "real" programs then
I would hesitate to recommend M2SDS.  If you want to play then
buy the less expensive M2SDS.
	-- Art Zemon
	   FileNet Corp.
	   ...! {decvax, ihnp4, ucbvax} !trwrb!felix!zemon