[net.lang.mod2] Request for Help and Sources

XBR2D96D@DDATHD21.BITNET (Knobi der Rechnerschrat) (07/01/86)


I've some problems using LOGITECH's M2/MSDOS V2.0. They are related
to the keyboard driver and the RS232xxxx modules. I'm using an
Olivetti M24 with MSDOS-2.21.

First what am I going to do: I wanna write a Terminal emulator (VT100,
Tek 401x) (* Oh no, not another one !!!!*). The emulator will be a
part of a database interface. And it needs some graphic capabillities.

What are my problems:

1.) Using the RS232xxx modules provided by LOGITECH, it sometimes
    comes to datalosses when receiving large amounts of data from the
    host computer.  What I want now is simple:
    - enlarge the buffer in RS232Code and/or RS232Int.
    - let RS232Code and/or RS232Int send a XOFF (CTRL-S) to the
      host when the buffer is approx. 80% full and let them send
      a XON (CTRL-Q) when the buffer empties down to 20%.

    For this purposes I need the SOURCE-Code for RS232Code.MOD and
    RS232Int.MOD. We are registered user's (Ser. No. S86M5I-001-01006)
    and we also have bought the source diskettes, but they don't include
    the needed files. So if anybody out there has the sources and is
    willing (* and is allowed to *) to send me the files, I would be
    very happy.

2.) I want to transfer all key-hits (inluding CTRL-C, CTRL-O and other
    control codes) from the keyboard to the host. Problesm arise with
    CTRL-C and CTRL-O (maybe with others too, but I don't now yet).
    - CTRL-O: It doesn't seem do to anything.
    - CTRL-C: It causes a break. If I use module Break to disable breaks,
              it just echoes C on the screen and nothing happens. If I
              use RTD to see what happen, everything is ok, but thats
              no solution at all.

    My question is: What must I do to get all controll characters
                     (including CTRL-C) from the keyboard.

Martin Knoblauch

Dept. Physical Chemistry 1
Petersenstrasse 20
D-6100 Darmstadt