[net.lang.mod2] Sample Class Project

kumard@sunybcs.UUCP (Deepak Kumar) (07/26/86)

	Sometime back, there was a request for sample Modula2
	class projects. I taught a Programming Language Concepts
	class (Junior CS) this summer and assigned this project to the

	The project is a partial implementation of Rich Pattis' Karel,
	the Robot (refer to the book by that title by Pattis).
	Students take this course after doing two intro courses
	in Pascal (now they are being switched to Modula2), a course
	in Data Structures. It focuses on illustrating the Data
	Abstraction facilities of the language. The project was
	assigned for several reasons :

	. To make them implement an off-beat Abstract Data Type
	  (something other than the standard examples like stacks
	   and lists etc [they already did those in an earlier course])

	. Students in this course did Karel, The Robot in their first
	  programming course, so they'd find it exciting to actually
	  implement it by themselves.

	  As a part of the project, they also had to write an essay
	  on "How Modula-2 Compares against Kernighan's objections
	  to Pascal" in the paper "Why Pascal is Not My Favorite
	  Programming Language" by Brian Kernighan.

	  Students thoroughly enjoyed the project and the results
	  were outstanding. I think it gave a proper introduction
	  to Modula-2 to people who have been exposed to Pascal and
	  other languages prior to this.

	  Here is the description of the project. Students had
	  21/2 weeks to submit the project. They did it on the
	  VAX/UNIX using the DECWRL compiler.


                         CS 305 - PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES
                                  SUMMER 1986

                          PROJECT #1 : KAREL THE ROBOT
                             (Due on July 2, 1986)

          _T_h_e _R_o_b_o_t _W_o_r_l_d

          Karel lives in a world that  is  unexciting  by  present-day
          standards  (there  are no volcanoes, Chinese restaurants, or
          symphony orchestras), but it does include enough variety  to
          allow  him  to perform simply stated, yet interesting tasks.
          Informally, the  world is a grid of streets that  Karel  can
          traverse.  It  also  contains special objects that Karel can
          sense and manipulate.

          Fig 1 is a map illustrating the structure of Karel's  world,
          whose  shape  is a great flat plane with the standard North,
          south, east, and west compass points. The world  is  bounded
          on  its  west  side  by  an  infinitely long horizontal wall
          extending eastward. These boundary walls are made  of  solid
          Neutronium,  an impenetrable metal that restrains Karel from
          falling over the edges of his world.

          Crisscrossing Karel's world are horizontal _s_t_r_e_e_t_s  (running
          east-west)  and  vertical  _a_v_e_n_u_e_s  (running north-south) at
          regular, one block intervals. A _c_o_r_n_e_r,  sometimes  referred
          to  as  a street corner, is located wherever a street and an
          avenue intersect. Karel can be  positioned  on  any  corner,
          facing one of the four compass points. Both streets and ave-
          nues are numbered; consequently, each corner  is  identified
          uniquely  by its street and avenue numbers. The corner where
          1st street and 1st Avenue intersect is named the _o_r_i_g_i_n.

          Besides Karel, there are two other types of objects that can
          occupy  his  world.  The first type of object is a _w_a_l_l _s_e_c_-
          _t_i_o_n.  Wall sections are also fabricated from the  impenetr-
          able  metal  Neutronium, and they can be manufactured in any
          desired length. They are positioned sideways  between  adja-
          cent  street  corners,  effectively  blocking Karel's direct
          path from one corner to the next. Wall sections are used  to
          represent obstacles that Karel must navigate around, such as
          hurdles and mountains. Enclosed rooms, mazes, and other bar-
          riers can also be constructed from wall sections.

          The second type of object in  Karel's  world  is  a  _b_e_e_p_e_r.

          Beepers  are  small  plastic cones that emit a quiet beeping
          noise.  They are situated  on  street  corners  and  can  be
          picked  up,  carried, and put down by Karel. Some of Karel's
          tasks involve picking up or putting down patterns made  from
          beepers, or finding and transporting beepers.

          _K_a_r_e_l'_s _C_a_p_a_b_i_l_i_t_i_e_s

          Let's now shift our attention away from  Karel's  world  and
          concentrate  on  Karel  himself. Karel is a mobile robot: he
          can move forward, in the direction he is facing, and he  can
          turn  in place. He can also perceive his immediate surround-
          ings: Karel posesses a rudimentary sense  of  sight,  sound,
          direction, and touch.

          Karel sees by using any one of his three TV  cameras,  which
          point  straight  ahead, to his left, and to his right. These
          three cameras are focused to detect walls exactly one  block
          away  from  Karel.  Karel  also  has  the  ability to hear a
          beeper, but only if he  and  the  beeper  are  on  the  same
          corner;  the  beepers  beep that quietly.  By consulting his
          internal compass, Karel can determine which direction he  is
          facing.  Finally,  Karel  is  equipped with a mechanical arm
          that he can use to pick up and put down  beepers.  To  carry
          these  beepers,  Karel  wears a soundproof _b_e_e_p_e_r-_b_a_g around
          his waist. Karel can also determine if he  is  carrying  any
          beepers in this bag by probing it with his arm.

          Whenever we want Karel to accomplish a task in his world, we
          must  supply  him  with  a detailed set of instructions that
          explains how to perform the task. Karel is able to  recieve,
          memorize,  and  follow  such a set of instructions, which is
          called a _p_r_o_g_r_a_m.

          What language do we use to program Karel?  Instead  of  pro-
          gramming  Karel  in  English,  a natural language for us, we
          program him in a special  programming  language,  which  was
          designed  to  be  useful for writing robot programs. Karel's
          robot programming language-like any other natural  language-
          has  a  vocabulary, punctuation marks, and rules of grammar.
          But this language, unlike  English,  for  example-is  simple
          enough  for  Karel  to  understand; yet it is a powerful and
          concise language that allows us to write brief and unambigu-
          ous programs for Karel.



                      ||||||||||||||||||||||        1..9 : number of beepers
                    20|....................|               at any point
                    17|.....|..............|          >  : Karel facing east
                    15|.....|.......|......|          ^  : Karel facing North
                    13|....................|          <  : Karel facing west
                    11|....................|          v  : Karel facing south
                     9|....................|          |  : wall section
                     5|..............|.....|                north
                     4|.............3|.....|                  ^
                     3|..............|.....|                  |
                     2|.>.1................|           west<----->east
                     1|....................|                  |
                      ||||||||||||||||||||||                  v
                       12345678911111111112                 south

                     _F_i_g _1 : _T_h_e _s_t_r_u_c_t_u_r_e _o_f _K_a_r_e_l'_s _w_o_r_l_d



          _P_r_i_m_i_t_i_v_e _I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s _a_n_d _S_i_m_p_l_e _P_r_o_g_r_a_m_s :

          _1. _C_h_a_n_g_i_n_g _P_o_s_i_t_i_o_n

          Karel understands two primitive instructions that change his
          position.  The  first  of  these instructions is move, which
          changes Karel's location.

               _m_o_v_e - When Karel executes a _m_o_v_e instruction, he moves
                    forward  one  block; he continues to face the same
                    direction. To  avoid damaging himself, Karel  will
                    not  move  forward  if  he  sees a wall section or
                    boundary wall at the next  corner  that  he  would
                    move   toward.  Instead,  karel  executes  a  _m_o_v_e
                    instruction in this situation by  turning  himself
                    off. This action, called an _e_r_r_o_r _s_h_u_t_o_f_f, will be
                    explained in a further section.

          From this definition, we see  that  Karel  executes  a  _m_o_v_e
          instruction  by  either  moving  forward  (when his front is
          clear to the next corner) or  performing  an  error  shutoff
          (when his front is blocked).

          The second primitive instruction that changes Karel's  posi-
          tion  is  _t_u_r_n_l_e_f_t.   This instruction changes the direction
          that Karel is facing, but does not alter his location.

               _t_u_r_n_l_e_f_t - Karel executes  a  _t_u_r_n_l_e_f_t  instruction  by
                    pivoting  90  degrees  to  the  left;  thus  Karel
                    remains on the same street corner while  executing
                    a  _t_u_r_n_l_e_f_t  instruction. Because it is impossible
                    for a wall section to block Karel's turn, _t_u_r_n_l_e_f_t
                    cannot cause an error shutoff.

          Karel always starts his task from some corner, facing either
          north, south, east, or west. He cannot travel fractions of a
          block or turn at other than  90  degree  angles.  Therefore,
          although  both  _m_o_v_e and _t_u_r_n_l_e_f_t change his position, after
          executing either of these instructions, Karel  is  still  on
          some  corner  and  still  is  facing one of the four compass

          _H_a_n_d_l_i_n_g _B_e_e_p_e_r_s

          Karel understands two primitive instructions that permit him

          to  handle  beepers. These two instructions preform opposite

               _p_i_c_k_b_e_e_p_e_r - When Karel executes a _p_i_c_k_b_e_e_p_e_r  instruc-
                    tion,  he  picks up a beeper from the corner he is
                    standing on and then deposits it  in  his  beeper-
                    bag.  If he executes a _p_i_c_k_b_e_e_p_e_r instruction on a
                    beeperless corner, Karel performs an  error  shut-
                    off.  On a corner with more than one beeper, Karel
                    randomly picks up one-and only one-of the  beepers
                    and the places it in his beeper-bag.

               _p_u_t_b_e_e_p_e_r - Karel executes a _p_u_t_b_e_e_p_e_r  instruction  by
                    extracting  a beeper from his beeper-bag and plac-
                    ing it on his  current  street  corner.  If  Karel
                    tries  to  execute a _p_u_t_b_e_e_p_e_r instruction with an
                    empty beeper-bag, he performs an error shutoff.

          Beepers are so small that Karel can move right by them; only
          wall sections and boundary walls can block his movement.

          _3. _P_r_i_n_t_i_n_g _S_t_a_t_u_s

          We will simulate Karel and his world inside a  computer,  so
          we'll  need a way of finding out what he is up to. The _p_r_i_n_t
          _i_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n _f_u_l_f_i_l_l_s _t_h_i_s _r_e_q_u_i_r_e_m_e_n_t.

               _p_r_i_n_t - When executed, a print out of Karel's world  is
                    generated on the standard output device.

          _4. _F_i_n_i_s_h_i_n_g _a _T_a_s_k

          Finally, we need a way to tell Karel  that  he  is  finished
          with   his  task.  The  _t_u_r_n_o_f_f  instruction  fulfills  this

               _t_u_r_n_o_f_f - When Karel executes a _t_u_r_n_o_f_f instruction, he
                    turns  himself  off  and is incapable of executing
                    any more instructions until  he  is  restarted  on
                    another  task. The last instruction in every robot
                    program must be a _t_u_r_n_o_f_f instruction.

          _A _C_o_m_p_l_e_t_e _P_r_o_g_r_a_m


          As an example, we now pose a task for Karel and then exhibit
          a  complete  program  that instructs him to perform the task
          correctly. Karel's task, illustrated in Fig 2, is  to  tran-
          sport  the  beeper  from 2nd St. & 4th Ave. to 4th St. & 5th
          Ave. After he has put down the beeper, Karel must  move  one
          block farther north before turning himself off.

            ||||||||||||||||||||||           ||||||||||||||||||||||
          20|....................|         20|....................|
          19|....................|         19|....................|
          18|....................|         18|....................|
          17|....................|         17|....................|
          16|....................|         16|....................|
          15|....................|         15|....................|
          14|....................|         14|....................|
          13|....................|         13|....................|
          12|....................|         12|....................|
          11|....................|         11|....................|
          10|....................|         10|....................|
           9|....................|          9|....................|
           8|....................|          8|....................|
           7|....................|          7|....................|
           6|....................|          6|....................|
           5|....................|          5|....^...............|
           4|....................|          4|....1...............|
           3|....................|          3|....................|
           2|.>.1................|          2|....................|
           1|....................|          1|....................|
            ||||||||||||||||||||||           ||||||||||||||||||||||
             12345678911111111112             12345678911111111112
                      01234567890                      01234567890

                                     _F_i_g _2.

          The following robot program instructions correctly  instruct
          Karel to perform this task.



          _T_h_e _S_i_m_u_l_a_t_i_o_n

          Implement an Abstract Data Type called _w_o_r_l_d and another one
          called   _r_o_b_o_t  in  a  module  called  _R_o_b_o_t_W_o_r_l_d.   Various
          instructions correspond to various operations that  you  can
          perform on these two structures.  A main module will declare
          a variable called Karel (type Robot) and a  variable  called
          WorldOfKarel (type World). Your program begins by reading in
          the initial status of Karel and its  world.  Thereafter,  it
          reads  a Karel program, interprets the instruction, and per-
          forms the desired action.

          The structure of one of the modules may look something  like

               DEFINITION MODULE RobotWorld;

               EXPORT Robot, World, readworld, print, move, turnleft, turnoff.

               TYPE Robot =  (* definition of the type Robot *);
                    World =  (* definition of the type World *);

               PROCEDURE readworld (VAR w : World; VAR r : Robot);
               (* Reads in the initial status of the given World and Robot *)

               PROCEDURE print (w: World; r : Robot);
               (* prints the world and the position of r in this world *)

               PROCEDURE move (VAR w : World; VAR r : Robot);
               (* performs a move instruction for robot r in world w *)

               PROCEDURE turnleft (VAR w : World; VAR r : Robot);
               (* performs a turnleft instruction for r in w *)

               PROCEDURE turnoff ();
               (* performs a turnoff *)

               END RobotWorld.