[net.lang.mod2] Modula-2: Academic Use Survey

mazlack@ernie.Berkeley.EDU (Lawrence J. Mazlack) (08/07/86)

                          ACADEMIC MODULA-2 SURVEY

4 August, 1986

A little while ago, I asked for information about where and how Modula-2
was or was about to be used in academic courses. I am slowing acccumulating  
responses.  I am pretty sure that there is a lot more activity than this out
there.  When I get some more, I will again repost.

If you are currently using Modula-2 in a class, or are about to do so,
I would appreciate hearing from you.  I will update and repost this survey
as I get additional information. I also appreciate getting corrections and
amplifications. I certainly need all the help that I can get.

Please send it to me in the following format:
  (a) institution,
  (b) course number, name
  (c) level of course (freshman, soph, junior, senior, grad, etc.),
  (d) text used,
  (e) compiler used,
  (f) hardware configuration,
  (g) contact person,
  (h) miscl.

If you have information about a Modula-2 compiler, please tell me:
   (a) Source: person (if relevant), organization, address
   (b) Machine
   (c) Operating system


institution   | course #, name|levl| text    |compiler | configuration| contact
Bethel College|COS 331 Data St| j  |Stubbs & |Powell   |UNIX4.2/VAX750|Glen
              |  & Algorithms |    | & Webre |         |              | Wieb
              |               |    |Ford     |         |              |Eric
              |               |    | & Weiner|         |              | Gossett
U. British    |CPSC 210 data  | s  |Beidler& |ETHZ     |Mac 512       |Vincent
Columbia      |  struc & softw|    |Jackowitz|MacLogimo|              |Manis
              |  design       |    |+ Kruse  | v 1.2   |              |
U. California |CS162 Operating|j,sn|Wirth    |Powell   |UNIX/VAX750   |     
at Berkeley   |        Systems|    |         |         |              |  
U.Cal,Berkeley|X440 Advanced  | m  |Ford/Wein|Logitech |IBM PC        |John
Extension     |     Prog w M2 |    |Wirth    |         |              |Eckstrom
U.Cal, Davis  |ECS 110 Data St|j,sn|Stubbs&  |Powell   |UNI/VAX750    |Bruce
              |               |    | Webre + |         |              |Martin
              |               |    |Standish |         |              |
              |ECS 140 Prog Ln|j,sn|Wirth    |         |              |
Camosun       |Comp270 Data   | s  |Wirth +  |Logitech |IBM PC/XT     |Darrell 
College       |        Commun |    |data comm|         |              |Wick
Canisius      |CSC250 Fundamen| s  |Gleaves  |Hamburg  |VMS/VAX8600   |Ron
College       |CSC311 Architec| j  |Gleaves  |Powell   |UNIX4.2/VAX750| Curtis
              |CSC333 Op Sys  | j  |none     |IBM PC,AT|DOS/Logitech  |Jim
              |CSC350 Soft Eng| sn |none     |Powell   |UNIX4.2/VAX750| Leone
U. Colorado   |CS110 Intr Prog| f  |Sincovec |Logitech |Zenith ZW-2xx |Richard
at Colorado   |CS145 Data Str | f  | & Weiner| v1.1    | (IBM AT      |Sincovec
   Springs    |      & Algorth|    |         | ----->  |  compatible) |
              |CS245 Data & Al| s  |         | v2.0    |              |
U. Delaware   |CIS135 Modula-2| f  |Ford&Wien|Powell   |UNIX4.2/VAX785|Fritz|
              |CIS180/1 Int CS| f  |Ford&Wien|Powell   |UNIX4.2/VAX785|Myers
              |CIS361 Op Sys  | j  | none    |Logitech |DOS/IBM PC    |Ball
              |CIS471 Compiler| sn |Wirth    |Powell   |UNIX/VAX      |Gohkal
              |CIS663 Op Sys  | g  |Wirth    |Powell   |UNIX/VAX      |Sethi
              |CIS672 Compiler| g  |WIrth    |Powell   |UNIX/VAX      |Gohkale
Georgia Tech  |ICS 3410 Prg Ln| j  |King     |Logitech |IBM PC        |Leaven-
              |               |    |         |         |              |  worth
              |ICS 4430 Intro | sn |King     |         |              |Ahamad
              |         Op Sys|    |         |         |              |
              |ICS 4830 SW Eng| sn |King     |         |              |Kim King
              |ICS 6430 Op Sys| g  |King     |         |              |Dasgupta
Hampshire     |OCS215 Data Str| s  | open    |Hamburg  |VMS/VAX750    |Richard
College       |               |    |         |         |              |Muller
Johns Hopkins |52.354 Op Sys  |j,s,|Wirth +  |Powell   |UNIX 3.4BRL   |Anna
University    |               | g  | OS text |         | computer=??? |Hopkins
Imperial Coll |CS 120 Prog 1  | f  |Wirth    |Tartan   |UNIX/VAX750   |S.Eisen-
(London, Eng.)| -- 2 quarters |    |         |         |              |   bach
Indianapolis  |C431,2 Compiler|sn,g|Wirth    |Hamburg  |VMS/VAX780    |Chingman
U, Bloomingon |C435,6 Op Sys  |sn,g|         |         |              | Jim Lo
              |C445,6 Inf Sys |sn,g|         |         |              |Bill
              |C481 Cmp Graphc|sn,g|         |         |              | Wang
Indiana U -   |CSCI 450 Softwr|sn,g|Wirth    |Hamburg  |VMS/VAX780    |Chingmin
 Purdue U at  |CSCI 461 Prg Ln|sn,g|         |         |              |Jim Lo
Indianapolis  |CSCI 502,503   |sn,g|         |         |              |
              |      Compilers|    |         |         |              |
              |CSCI 503 Op Sys|sn,g|         |         |              |
U. Lowell     |CS305 Comp Arch| j  |Tannen-  |Powell   |Ultrix V1.O   |David
              |               |    |   baum  |         | --->UNIX4.3  |Landskov
              |               |    |Hammacher|         |VAX750        |       
U. Lund       |DA 403 Data Str|s,jn|Astor (in|Hamburg  |VMS/VAX780    |Christian
(Lund, Sweden)|               |    | Swedish)|         |              |Collberg
MIT           |66.035 Com Lang|j,sn|open     | ???     |DEC 20        |John
              |       Engnring|    |         |         |              |Guttag
Ohio U.       |CS458 Op Sys II|sn,g|Walker:M2|   ???   |VMS/VAX750    |Klaus
              |               |    |Beck:Sys |   ???   |              |Eldridge
Oxford U      |Math &         |f,sn|open     |Hamburg  |VMS           |Jonathen
Prog Rsch Grp |  Computation  |    |         |SUN      |UNIX4.2/SUN   |Bowen
Oxford,England|               |    |         |         |              |
Pennsylvania  |CS497A Data Str| g  |Wirth--> |Powell   |UNIX4.2/VAX780|Parker 
State         |               |    | Ford,   |         |              |
              |               |    | Wiener  |         |              |  
U. Portland   |CS 261 CS-I ** | s  |   ?     |Logitech |VMS/VAX780    |Garland
              |CS 351 Data St | ?  |   ?     |         |              |Bayley
U. Reading    |C310 Int Op Sys| j  |Wirth,Joy|U New    |Unix V7       |A. Pell
(Untd Kingdom)|c410 Op Sys Fdm| j  |Wir,Joyce|So Wales |PDP 11/44     |P. Martin
Rockefeller U |prog skills for| mi |Christian|Logitech |IBM PC        |Kaare 
              |  lab computers|    |         |         |              |Christian
San Francisco |CS 415 Op Sys  | sn |Ben-Ari, |Logitech |IBM PC-XT-AT  |Stan
State U       |               |    |Deitel,  |         |              |Osborne
              |               |    |Wirth    |         |              |
SUNY Buffalo  |CS 113 Intro **| f  |open     |open     |VMS/VAX clustr|Deepak 
              |CS 114 Intro2  | f  |Weiner&Si|open     |VMS/VAX       |Kumar 
              |CS 305 Prog Sys| sn |Gleaves  |Powell   |UNIX4.2/VAX780|
              |CS 505 Prog Sys| g  |Gleaves  |Powell   |UNIX4.2/VAX780|
Technisce U.  |Modula2        | j  |Gleaves  |Cambridge|UNIX V, rel 1 |Anfried
Berlin        |   Kompakturs  |    |Wirth    |adapted  |UnSoft        |Ossen
West Berlin   |               |    |         |to UNXIXV|              |
U. Texas      |CS 372 Op Sys  |j-sn|M2:notes |Powell   |UNIX4.2/VAX780|Jeff
  at Austin   |               |    |OS:Peter-|         |              |Brumfield
U. Utah       |simulation     |j,sn|Wirth    |Powell   |UNIX4.3/VAX780|Richard M
              |CS 562 Parallel|sn,g|Wirth    |Powell   |     VAX860a6 |Fujimoto 
              |       Comp Arc|    |         |         |              |
U. Wisconsin  |CS 564 Intro DB|sn,g|Wirth    |Powell   |UNIX/VAX750   |Michael J
  at Madison  |**may be no more due to compiler problems***********   | Carey 

** ---> under development

  f = freshman 
  s = sophmore
  j = junior
  sn= senior
  g = graduate
  mi= miscellaneous

The information that I have on the compilers is:

(a) Cambridge:
    VAX/UNIX4.2BSD Also cross-compiled for 68000up
      Peter Robinson/Piete Brooks
        (pr%cl.cam.ad.uk@cs.ucl.ac.uk & pbcl.cam.ac.uk@cs.ucl.ac.uk)
      Cambridge U Computing Laboratory
      Corn Exchange Street
      Cambridge CB2 3QG
      (tel: +44-223-352435)
    EMS sys iii (UNIX V, rel 1)
    IBM4381 (VM370)
          for UNIX version:
            Arnfried Ossan
              OSSEN at DBOTUI11.BITNET
              AO at DBOTU16.BITNET
          for VM370/IBM:
            Thomas Havernoll
              HABERNOL at DBOTU11.BITNET

(b) CERN: runs on VAX ccross-compiled for 68000 up
          IBM3081, ND Nord 500, CDC Cyber 835
          op sys: UNIX4.2BSD, VMS3.5, IBM MVS, SINTRAN 3, NOS/BE 1.5

       David Foster/Horst von Eiccken/Julian Blake
       Data Handling Division
       Geneva 23

(c) Hamburg: runs on VAX/VMS
             often packaged with the Wirth book.  Available from:
      J W Schmidt/H Echhardt/J Koch/M Mall/P Putfarkeni
      Research Project DataBase programming Language(DBPL)
      Fachbereich Hamburg
      Schlaetenstr .70, D-2000 Hamburg
      Federal Republic of Germany 

(d) Logitech: runs on IBM PC's, VAXs (op sys=VMS).  Available from:
      Logitech, Inc
      805 Veterans Blvd
      Redwood City, CA 94063

(e) Powell: runs on VAXs, either UNIX or ULTRIX.  Available from:
      Michael L. Powell
      Digital Equipment Corp.
      Western Research Laboratory
      100 Hamilton Ave
      Palo Alto, CA 94301

(f) SUN: runs on SUN-3/UNIX4.2BSD
      SUN Microsystems Inc.
      2550 Garcia Avenue
      Mountain View, California 94043
      (tel: +1-415-960-1300)

(g) Tartan: runs on VAX/UNIX4.2BSD, RT PC/AIX, RT PC/ACIS
            (AIX is UNIX sys 5 clone, ACIS is 4.2 clone)
      Scott Wilson 
      Tartan Labs
      461 Melwood Ave
      Pittsburgh, PA 15213
      (412) 621-2210

(f) UNIX V7: runs on PDP11s
      Jeffrey Tobias
      Department of Computer Science
      University of New South Wales

I'll cheerfully update the compiler information, as I get it.

I'll also try to reply with a confirmation when you send me something.  
However, make sure to include your E-mail address.  Using "R" has
erratic results.

Larry Mazlack
  UUCP		{tektronix,dual,sun,ihnp4,decvax}!ucbvax!ucbernie!mazlack
  New style	mazlack@ernie.berkeley.edu	
  ARPA | CSNET	mazlack%ernie@berkeley.ARPA
  BITNET   	mazlack@ucbernie.BITNET
  telephone     (415) 528-0496
  snail         CS Dept, 571 Evans, U. California, Berkeley, CA 94720