ken@ROCHESTER.ARPA (Ipse dixit) (04/06/86)
In the Usenet group mod.newprod there appeared an announcement of a new compiler for 68000 CPUs, running in native and cross modes. I am reluctant to repost to this mailing list because of its commercial nature, but if you mail me a note I will forward the text to you. Ken (Robert Stroud) (08/11/86)
I'm looking for information about Modula-2 compilers suitable for use by students on an Operating System course. They will be developing programs on a 68000 Unisoft System V box (Bleasdale) which will then be downline loaded onto a bare 68000 based micro. Please mail me and I'll summarise if there's enough interest. Robert Stroud, Computing Laboratory, University of Newcastle upon Tyne. ARPA robert%cheviot.newcastle@ucl-cs.ARPA UUCP ...!ukc!cheviot!robert