[net.lang.mod2] M2 Working group

poole@uvm-gen.UUCP (Damon "nomad" Poole) (10/30/86)

      I would like to make the following comments on the report released by
the Modula II working group:

WG084:  Good thinking, there are cases where you want to define something but
        not export it.  The programmer should have TOTAL control over exporting.

WG102:  typename(expression) should not be referred to as coercing.

WG115:  Type transfer and type conversion should remain separate.

WG117:  How about a second parameter for HIGH to indicate the desired array

WG120:  Could some one explain the need for this??

      Other comments:

      If strings are defined as arrays of char, then assignment of strings of
unequal size should not be allowed.  Such assignment would be inconsistent
with normal array usage.  How about partial assignment of one array to another?
No, only arrays of equal size should be allowed.

      'StringTerminator' is an EXCELLENT idea, but since the current terminator
is 'nul' and 'nul' is used so frequently in string handling, a shorter name
should be adopted.

      Adding a new 'string' type disregards the handling of arrays already
available.  Why complicate the job of the compiler with a new standard type?
One of the biggests idea behind Modula II is simplification of compilation.
That's why all of the I/O is in separately compiled modules, aside from the
portability considerations.  Just look at the grammar for M2: 97 lines com-
pared with how many hundred for Pascal??  Let's not come out with "Modula II,
the common man's Ada!"  YUCK!

      I totally agree with Richard Pattis' comments about opaque types.  Re-
quiring an opaque type which is actually of type INTEGER to be a pointer to
an integer would be a mistake.  Incidentally: "Long live the ADT!"

                        Damon "nomad" Poole

P.S. - I am a senior at the University of Vermont, and am trying to get
Modula II introduced into some of the courses here.  Could anyone suggest
an alternative to Logitech's M2 for the PC?  I am very pleased with their
product, but it doesn't fit on two disks conveniently and would complicate
the life of PC users who don't have Hard Disks.  Thank-You in advance.

ss60f@sdcc18.ucsd.EDU (ss60f) (11/01/86)

    As a long-time UCSD Pascal programmer and (more recently) a Modula-2
enthusiast, I have some comments about the extensions to Modula-2
proposed by the Modula-2 Working Group of the British Standards

    I am especially concerned about the string-handling issue.  I
strongly favor clearing up some of the ambiguous parts of the language
definition, but otherwise leaving it alone.  The other alternative,
introducing a string type similar to UCSD Pascal's, would be (to my
mind) a great mistake.  UCSD Pascal has some good features, but string
handling is not one of them.  Specifically, it has the following
drawbacks (most of these also apply to Turbo Pascal; I don't know if
extended ISO Pascal is similar):

1.  String lengths are limited to 255 chars. (this could be ameliorated
by allowing 2 bytes for the string length).

2.  It is not possible to append to a string by simply writing charac-
ters past its current end (because the length value would not be
updated).  Instead, the CONCAT procedure must be used. 

3.  More generally, code that copies a portion of one string to another
is difficult to write and inefficient.  Example: suppose one wants to
copy a single English word from STRING1 (starting at index I) to
STRING2.  There are two ways to do it in UCSD Pascal:

    a.  search for the end of the word, record the number of characters
away from I that it ends, and then pass this count as a parameter to the
COPY procedure (awkward and error-prone because it emphasizes counting
rather than copying, and relatively inefficient because the word is read
twice, once to count, once to copy). 

    b.  read chars. one at a time from STRING1, and use CONCAT to
progressively append them to STRING2 (very inefficient; involves a
function call for every char). 

    It both easier and more efficient to use 0-terminated strings (i.e.,
ARRAYs OF CHAR).  For example, in Modula-2 this might be done as

    J := 0;
             STRING2[J] := STRING1[I];
        INC(J); INC(I);
   STRING2[J] := EOS; (* EOS = 0C *)

    This is straightforward to write, easy to understand, and involves
no function call overhead.  

4.  Portability across languages is another reason for avoiding a
special string type.  The Modula-2 code fragment given above can be
easily translated to or from c or ANSI standard Pascal.  As I know from
experience, it can be very difficult to translate programs using
UCSD-like string types and functions to languages lacking those types
and functions (including other dialects of Pascal).  Most languages have
arrays, though, so treating strings as much as possible like ordinary
arrays is a good way to limit portability problems.  Modula-2 should
encourage this. 

    As a final point, Kernighan and Plauger's book 'Software Tools in
Pascal' details methods for string handling that are a far better model
for emulation than UCSD Pascal's.  They were able to provide a uniform
set of functions that could be implemented on many different machines
and compilers, and were reasonably efficient and convenient to use.  I
have used Pascal functions and macros similar to K & P's for years, and
recently created similar functions in Modula-2 for string handling. 
These do everything that I find necessary, and I was able to implement
them in standard Modula-2, without any extensions.  

     Disclaimer: the opinions expressed here are my own and are not
necessarily those of my employer.  Also, for the record, while I do work
for UCSD, I have never been connected with the UCSD Pascal project,
except as a user of their products. 

-- Jon Dart
   Dept. of Anthropology
   UCSD C-001 
   La Jolla, CA 92093
