[net.lang.mod2] Significant Changes to the Language Modula-2

bobc@tikal.UUCP (Bob Campbell) (11/01/86)

These comments are a little hurried, but I have been tring to get
around to making a reply for about 2 weeks, and just don't seem to
have much time available.

I do have several comments on the proposed changes from the Modula-2
Working Group of the British Standards Institution.  I feel that some
of the direction of this group is wrong:

    a.	I feel that very effort should be made to leave the language
	intact as it was defined by Dr. Wirth.  In cases where changes
	are questionable the Dr. Wirth's current design should be

    b.	In cases where it is felt that the current language design
	must be changed the scope of the changes should be limited to
	make the change as small as possible, and to whenever possible
	allow the currently running modula-2 programs to work with out

    c.	I feel that the Modula-2 Working Group should be exploring need
	additions to the language which will make it more useful.

    d.  I feel that a standards group should allow for compiler
	restrictions, and also define some preferred extensions.
	Examples of preferred extension would be defining the workings
	of passing open arrays of more then one dimension.

Now on to the messy blow by blow, and don't assume that I disagree on
all points, some of them I can support.

WG104:	Allowing underscores in identifiers, I can't support this as a
    required standard.  While many systems do allow underscores some
    systems (linkers) do not support underscores.  At best I feel that
    this should be a optional compiler feature.  And people should not
    expect all modula-2 compilers to support underscores.

WG007:	Not supporting MaxInt, MinInt etc.  This is fine, as my system
    (ETHZ One Pass Compiler) does not support these anyway.

WG086:	I don't see any reason for removing the octal notation for
    character constants.  While I admit that the CHR notation will
    work in all cases, I don't feel that removing this feature gains
    the language anything.  In fact it will brake a lot of programs.

WG106:	Strings.  I feel that some work is needed on strings, but I
    feel that it can all be done with a defined module supporting the
    required string operations.  Also I don't feel that requiring full
    padding of the character strings should be required or expected.
    I do feel that it might make a good optional feature to the
    compiler but I don't see any value to it being required.  (It will
    make the programs run slower, and if you don't need it why should
    I be required to have it.).

WG012:	NIL as a reserved word, I see no problem with this as a
    concept however it will be hard for me to implement.

WG099:	Constant declarations, I agree with all of this except for the
    item on "typename(ConstExpression)".  I side with Dr. Wirth that
    the "typename(Value)" construct should be deleted from the
    language (or only supported via a special compiler switch for old

WG088:	Not all of the required supporting paper work for this is
    present here so I can only give a qualified yes.  All numeric
    constants are "untyped" ie they exist in the type set which
    consists of all types that the constant could be in.  However Real
    and Integers don't mix?

WG126:	I see little (read no) reason for this, and as noted above I
    can indorse this syntax.

WG015:	Elements of constants can be constant expressions.  This
    sounds fine to me.

WG131:	"implementation must provide SET OF CHAR", in no way can I
    support this as a required feature.  Providing full support for
    large sets is excessive, and should be a preferred option but not
    required.  I fully intend to support large sets in my compiler
    soon, but it will require much effort to work out the code to
    generate for things like  SetA := (SetA + SetB) / (SetC - SetA),
    including allocation of the temporary variables.

WG034:	BITSET must be imported from the system.  I have not yet
    made up my mind about this.

WG035:	"N and W are to be exported from SYSTEM", what are N and W,

WG132:  Only BITSET maps to a "WORD" other types of sets are
    implementation specific.  This seems reasonable.

WG089:	About procedure types:  I feel that NIL is a valid procedure
    type, and that calling a procedure variable of value NIL is
    undefined.  I also agree that testing procedure variables for
    equality and inequality should be allowed.  I don't understand the
    need for procedure constants.

WG041:	Expressions will be evaluated from left to right.  This is a
    clear win.

WG073:	the return values of procedures which are not of the simple type
    or are POINTERS, can't be applied, dereferenced, selected or
    indexed.  This seems only reasonable to me.

WG074:	I see no need for requiring sets of type BITSET be written as
    BITSET{1..8}.  I feel that this will be come a matter of style,
    and is not worth breaking things that already exist to inforce
    (except as a compiler option).

WG080:	out-of-range errors,  I agree as long as exception is defined
    to be a system specific event.

WG050:	The right hand side of an assignment is to be evaluated first.
    This seems fair.

WG051:	parameters are evaluated from left to right.  I fully support

WG056:	an 'exception' happens with a case value is detected which is
    not dealt with.  I don't thing this should be required.  I
    don't like putting blank ELSE clauses on all of my case statements,
    it I wanted a exception I would have put a "ELSE HALT" at the end.

WG003:	Could you please post the document for this "PS".

WG061:	The standard should note that some compilers may have
    restriction on the types that can be returned from function

WG113:  The standard should note that "FORWARD" is a optional feature
    of one pass compilers, and should state what the syntax of this
    type of statement is.

WG114:	VAR parameter types.  This item is ok.

WG075:	The documents supporting this are not present.

WG115:	I can't support the removal of ORD, CHR, FLOAT, and TRUNC,
    which also implies the removal of LONG, and SHORT.  I feel that
    Wirth's current definition of these functions and type casting is
    more reasonable.

WG116:	I feel that HIGH should work on any array type, and return the
    highest index for that array type.  The suggestion that MAX be
    used for fixed sized arrays is not a workable solution.

WG118:	I feel that MAX and MIN should take any numeric type and
    return the value of the largest or smallest value of that type.
    These types should include REAL, LONGREAL, and any enumerated

WG119:	I thought that SIZE only takes variables and TSIZE only takes
    types.  Wirth's current compiler (ETH One Pass 68000 compiler)
    will take anything for SIZE, but TSIZE will only take types.  It
    sounds like TSIZE may be a old feature which is supported to keep
    old programs from breaking.

WG120:	I can't support the function CAST as it does what VAL does.
    VAL should be left in the language intact and unchanged.

WG102:	I also can't support this as it uses a language construct that
    Wirth feels should no longer be supported.  The using this
    construct in a manor other then the original design will cause
    extreme confusion.

WG121:	Removal of VAL.  Because of the above I can't support this.

WG122:	Remove the two parameter form of DEC, and INC.  I can't
    support this as both forms of DEC, and INC are of great value.

WG085:	Removal of NEW and DISPOSE, I support this with some
    reservations, and NEW, and DISPOSE are cleaner then
    ALLOCATE(x,SIZE(x)), as some one could do a ALLOCATE(x,2) or some
    such thing.

WG069:	I have no problems with this.

WG109:	Definition Modules and Implementation module definition of
    procedures must be exact.  This should only be a suggested feature
    as it is may be much too costly to implement.

WG084:	I feel that Wirth's proposal ("Revision 2.1") should be
    adopted with the following adjustment:  definition modules which
    contain a explicit export list will only export those symbols
    explicitly listed in the that list.  From my work with definition
    modules, I feel that the export list is in many cases hard to
    work with (ie a MacIntosh Interface module with over 140 symbols
    exported and every symbol in the definition module is intended to
    be exported.)

WG110:	opaque types.  I support this feature, but feel that may be
    this a area where a extension could be created to allow support for
    non pointer opaque types.

Bob Campbell
Teltone Corporation		18520 - 66th AVE NE
P.O. Box 657			Seattle, WA 98155
Kirkland, WA 98033


nels@astrovax.UUCP (Nels Anderson) (11/06/86)

With regard to changes in Modula-2, I'd like to propose a couple of
things that would make some sense from the point of view of a not-
very-sophisticated programmer.  If M2 is not intended to be used for
scientific programming, then these comments should be ignored.  If, on
the other hand, it is to someday challenge FORTRAN as the language used
by the many scientists who do program, a couple of additions would be

	1)  an exponentiation operator (`**' in FORTRAN), and
	2)  double and single precision floating point types.

I'm sure these two features are of little interest to those concerned
with the more interesting and elegant aspects of programming, but most
of the programming done by scientists is fairly mundane number