[net.lang.mod2] Standard Modula-2 interface

hinrichs@unc.UUCP (Klaus Hinrichs) (11/06/86)

The following is an abstract of the article 
	"A Portable Operating System Interface and Utility Library"
	by E. Biagioni, G. Heiser, K. Hinrichs and C. Muller.
which appears in the November issue of IEEE Software.


The absence of a standard layer between operating systems and Modula-2
programs makes most software written in Modula-2 nonportable. We
propose OSSI, a set of library modules that hides the system-dependent
details from Modula-2 application programs, as a standard layer.

OSSI, the Operating System Standard Interface, has been implemented on
several computers and operating systems. It allows users to port large
Modula-2 programs without changing their source code. OSSI standardizes
I/O operations, memory management, and utilities such as string
handlers and large set operations.

The definition modules for the kernel of the OSSI library have been
posted in net.sources. They appear as OSSI: SIModulename.

For further information, our (the author's) electronic mail
addresses are:
seismo!mcnc!unc!biagioni		biagioni@cs.unc.edu
seismo!mcvax!cernvax!ethz!heiser	CZHETH5A%GRIDFILE (bitnet)
seismo!mcnc!unc!hinrichs		hinrichs@cs.unc.edu
C. Muller does not have an electronic address.