[net.news.sa] security issues mailing list

lmc@denelvx.UUCP (Lyle McElhaney) (12/22/84)

I am preparing the way for the security issues mailing list. At this point
a number of the people on the list feel that 1) attempting to secure the
list (encrypting it?) will not work, for various reasons, or 2) that it
is beneficial to leak security problems in order to alarm some sa's into
fixing same.

I want the opinion of the sa's who will be affected.  So far the mailing
list numbers 65 people. (The list has not yet been validated; another
whole problem altogether, subject of another article.) Below is a list of
all the sites through which the mailing list (in its current form) would
pass.  If your system is on the list, and uucp is not secure on your
system, then there is the possibility that the contents of the list will
be accessable to your users.  Speak now, or forever hold your peace.

abnjh         cornell       hao           mogwai        siemens
acf4          cp1           harvard       nbires        stcvax
adrvax        csu-cs        hp-lsd        noao          sun
alice         cybvax0       hp-pcd        nsc           sunpeaks
allegra       dalcs         hpcvlo        philabs       tardis
amd           decvax        hpda          prcrs         terak
ames          drutx         hpdsa         princeton     ucadmus
astrovax      dual          hpfcla        redwood       ucbvax
brl-bmd       enea          hplabs        research      udenva
brl-vgr       entropy       hpscda        riacs         umcp-cs
bunker        erix          hpscdz        ritcv         unm-la
cadmus        felix         ihnet         rlgvax        unmvax
cadre         fisher        ihnp4         rochester     utcsrgv
cadtroy       fortune       isucs1        sbcs          uw-beaver
calmasd       fritz         masscomp      sdcc6         wateng
ccice5        garfield      mcvax         sdchema       watmath
cfa           gatech        mhuxi         sdcsvax       wivax
cisden        grendel       mit-eddie     seismo        wjh12

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Mail them to:

Lyle McElhaney