pleasant@caip.RUTGERS.EDU (Mel Pleasant) (11/20/85)
During the last few months I've noticed that I'll invariably receive inquiries as to why an update to the maps did not make it into the posting. The inquiry appears when one would expect - right after a monthly map posting. After some months of observation I'd like to suggest the following: When sending an update, send an entire map entry. Please do not simply send a message stating what has changed in your entry. A site with more than one SA could easily wind up with a corrupted map. Send your update such that it reaches us by the 25th of the month. Remember that it can sometimes take days for a message to reach the final destination. If you wait until the 28th or 29th, it probably won't make the next map posting. Map updates should be addressed to ...cbosgd!uucpmap. We're having problems keeping duplicate site names out of the maps and we believe that this is partly due to map updates being addressed directly to regional map co-ordinators. Complete instructions for creating a map entry are distributed each month along with the map postings. Further questions can be addressed to ...cbosgd!uucpmap. -- -Mel Pleasant uucp: ...{harvard, seismo, ut-sally, sri-iu, ihnp4!packard}!topaz!pleasant arpa: PLEASANT@RUTGERS