[net.news.sa] Hp notes site barfs on us again

bandy@lll-lcc.UUCP (07/12/86)

I noticed today that there were postings that I had read before - and
that the From lines and message-ids were mangled (domains removed).

It seems that hpccc is the culprit this time. Here are some headers:

Path: lll-lcc!qantel!hplabs!hpcea!hpccc!bu-cs!bzs
From: bzs@bu-cs
Newsgroups: net.news.group
Subject: moderation vs editing ( was: new mod
Message-ID: <903@bu-cs>
Date: 6 Jul 86 04:51:00 GMT
Date-Received: 11 Jul 86 04:55:21 GMT

Sigh.  Say, anyone mind if I visit hplabs with a degausser?
Amu, ne armu!

Andy Beals
bandy@lll-crg.arpa	{ihnp4,seismo,ll-xn,qantel,pyramid}!lll-crg!bandy
LLNL, P.O. Box 808, Mailstop L-419, Livermore CA 94550 (415) 423-1948

rcd@nbires.UUCP (07/12/86)

> I noticed today that there were postings that I had read before - and
> that the From lines and message-ids were mangled (domains removed).
We've gotten a bunch also.  We also see mangled Subject: lines, plus
References: lines with a structurally correct but COMPLETELY different
reference list.  Parent article illustrates header with domain missing;
here's some other oddities.  Excerpts from original header:
	From woods@hao.UUCP (Greg Woods) Tue Jul  8 19:30:55 1986
	Subject: Re: 1 more time: net.rec.drugs
	References: <194@NCSUVM> <400@ms3.UUCP> <1190@tektools.UUCP> <520@ukecc.UUCP> <973@oliveb.UUCP>

Here are the corresponding lines from the recycled article:
	From woods@hao Tue Jul  8 18:30:00 1986
	Subject: Re: 1 more time: net.rec.drugs  A defini
	References: <1305@watmath>

Altogether, the recycled article had the following fields corrupted:
	From  From:  Subject:  References:  Message-ID:
and the following deleted entirely:
	Organization:  Keywords:  Summary:

> It seems that hpccc is the culprit this time...
That was in the path of our problem articles also.

> Path: lll-lcc!qantel!hplabs!hpcea!hpccc!bu-cs!bzs
Path: opus!nbires!seismo!lll-crg!lll-lcc!qantel!hplabs!hpcea!hpccc!hao!woods

> Sigh.  Say, anyone mind if I visit hplabs with a degausser?
I'd hate to throw stones without being sure that they are the culprits.  If
you know for sure, what are you waiting for?  Is somebody running completely
untested software, or is this a feature?  Sheeesh--there were only 12 lines
in the article header to start with and 8 of them got mangled?!?!
Dick Dunn	{hao,ucbvax,allegra}!nbires!rcd		(303)444-5710 x3086
   ...At last it's the real thing...or close enough to pretend.