lyndon@ncc.UUCP (11/03/86)
The system seemed a wee bit sluggish this afternoon. A quick 'ps' showed approx. 20 uucico's running. Not bad when you consider that we only have one phone line...:-) An 'ls /usr/spool/uucp | wc -l' came back with something silly like 2813! A little poking around showed that all news articles from alberta had a Path: header of 'ncc!pembina!...' instead of the usual 'ncc!alberta!...' which caused rnews to immediately turn around and forward the message to alberta. What's a poor boy to do? Well, if you take news directly from alberta, try the following entry in /usr/lib/news/sys: alberta/pembina:...:F: Is this a trick to make us upgrade to 2.11? :-) -- Lyndon Nerenberg (VE6BBM) Systems Group - A Div. of Nexus Computing Corp. UUCP: {ihnp4,ubc-vision,watmath}!alberta!ncc!lyndon BITNET: USERCHNL@UALTAMTS
lake@alberta.UUCP (11/04/86)
The problem mentioned by Lyndon Nerenberg occurred last week when I upgraded alberta from 2.10 to 2.11 news. I meant to install a which had HIDDENNET defined, but instead I accidentally installed one which didn't. This resulted in articles being postmarked 'pembina' (which is the local name for our gateway machine). I noticed this problem the next day, and quickly fixed it. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone. Rob Lake (alberta!lake) University of Alberta