laser-lovers@uw-beaver.UUCP (Ted Shapin <BEC.SHAPIN%USC-ECL@MINET-NAP-EM>) (10/19/83)
From uucp Tue Oct 18 05:00:54 1983 >From uw-beaver!root Tue Oct 18 04:37:46 1983 remote from utcsrgv Received: from USC-ECL by WASHINGTON.ARPA with TCP; Mon 17 Oct 83 12:36:32-PDT Date: 17 Oct 1983 1235-PDT From: Ted Shapin <BEC.SHAPIN%USC-ECL@MINET-NAP-EM> Subject: New Canon To: laser-lovers@WASHINGTON Postal-address: Beckman Instruments, Inc. Postal-address: 2500 Harbor X-11, Fullerton, CA 92634 Phone: (714)961-3393 >From Computer Sytem News, 10-3-83: Canon Inc. also could become a major player in the laser printer market. Sources said Canon demonstrated a prototype of an 8-page-per-minute device in Japan in May, which Canon USA's Laser Beam Printer Division plans to market eventually in this country. And this week, Canon is expected to come out with its LBP-5/480, a 5-page per minute versions of the LBP-10 10-page per minute device. The new unit, priced at $6250 -- the same as the older model -- has 480 dot resolution, rather than the 240 dot resolution of the older LBP-10." Anybody know any more about these? Ted. -------
laser-lovers@uw-beaver.UUCP (Crean.HENR@PARC-MAXC.ARPA) (10/20/83)
From uucp Thu Oct 20 01:05:15 1983
>From uw-beaver!root Thu Oct 20 00:35:05 1983 remote from utcsrgv
Received: from PARC-MAXC.ARPA by WASHINGTON.ARPA with TCP; Wed 19 Oct 83 09:38:37-PDT
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 83 21:35 EDT
Subject: Re: New Canon
In-reply-to: "BEC.SHAPIN%USC-ECL@MINET-NAP-EM.ARPA's message of 17 Oct
83 12:35 PDT"
cc: laser-lovers@WASHINGTON.ARPA
The 8 ppm printer is based on the Canon PC-20 (Jack Klugman's adds on
TV) with the $65 user-inserted consumables package. The copier goes for
$1200 and the printer should be aggressively priced. It is sending
waves thru the industry.
The LBP-5/480 was shown at NCC in May. I found it to be an obvious
derrivative of the LBP10 but they say that singificant improvements have
been made.
All Canon devices offer to date have had ONLY simple video interfaces,
relying on the 3rd party to build the system interface.