[net.motss] New private BBOARD system

jsol@mit-eddie.UUCP (Jon Solomon) (10/28/83)

As of this week, I have started running a new BBOARD service for
general use by Boston-area people with access to a modem/terminal.
I welcome members of the MOTSS news group to form a discussion
board on the system; here's how to access it:

 - Dial (617) 338-4033.  You can use any baud rate from 110 thru
    1200; both 1200 protocols are supported.
 - After getting carrier (it will answer within 3 rings unless it's
    down for maintenance), type RETURN to auto-baud.
 - Select a pseudonym ("handle") you would like as a user name.
    If it hasn't already been used, it will offer to give you a
    new account.
 - It will let you enter a password, and also optionally some
    personal information like full name, address, etc.  You can
    provide any or all of this info as you wish.  Anonymity is
    guaranteed, but remember this info is available to any other
    user of the system.
 - After logging in, feel your way around using the HELP command.
    There are several bboards currently existing, new ones will
    be created once I get a bigger base of users.
 - Suggestions are welcome by posting a message in the "suggestions"
 - The gay discussion bboard is private.  In order to access it,
    simply post a message in the "suggestions" file requesting
    access to it.  (I don't want randoms to just dial in and type
    random trash into it...)

					happy bboarding,

					rich braun (RKB@MIT-MC)