[net.motss] More on lambda

dis2@houxm.UUCP (12/02/83)

    After writing the note on the evolution of lambda, I telephoned some
    friends of former days in order to verify my recollections.  My
    friends in turn called other friends to verify their recollections.
    The results are:
      1.  All agree that the use of the lambda from physics for resistance
          was the original idea.  It was suggested by Arthur Squires, the
          Chemcial Engineer and inventor of the Squires Process.  Not all
          agree to whom Arthur made this suggestion, but all agree it was
          Arthur sometime in 1968.
      2.  Five recall it being used ocassionally at GLF.  Three recall it
          being worn by the GLF contingent at the Chicago convention in
          1968.  Two remember it being on the Queens for Gene button later
          in 1968.  Three insist it was never used until its adoption by

      3.  All agree that it was adopted as the emblem of GAA when it was
          founded.  Six specifically remember that it was Arthur Bell, now
          a gossip columnist with the Village Voice, who got it adopted as
          the GAA logo and used it on press releases and banners at the
          early ZAPS.  It definitely then had the resistance meaning.  Two
          people recall that the lambda was then explained as an upside
          down version of the "V" sign so common then at peace
          demonstrations.  (The upper part of the lambda being the hand
          and the legs of the lambda the fingers in a "V").  Five vividly
          recall Jim Owles shouting  "Lambda is for Resistance" from the
          City Hall steps and at the Daily News buidling.
      4.  All agree that very soon the lambda came to be a secret "sign"
          among gays, much as the fish among early Chrstians but without
          any anagramatic signifigance.  As it became so used, it lost its
          original meaning and the secondary elaborations began.  Four
          people recall that at this time lambda was said to be the y in
          Gay upside down.  The plain lambda button of an orange lambda on
          a blue background was common on both coasts by 1971.
      5.  All agree that the use of lambda in the name of gay
          organisations began very early as a result of the success of
          GAA, particularly the dances in the firehouse.  Some of the
          first oragnisations to use the lambda in their names were
          founded by members or dropouts from GAA.  Lambda Legal Defense
          Fund is an example.
      6.  All agree that now lambda simply means gay and is generally used
          when the word gay would be problematic. net.lambda for
                                           Creighton Clarke
     As an example of the adaptability and popularity of the lambda,
     one person insisted that the original pillory at the Mineshaft
     was lambda shaped!!