[net.motss] What does NAMBLA want?

tims@shark.UUCP (Tim Stoehr) (02/01/84)

I've seen alot of material from NAMBLA regarding children's freedom
of choice, sexual freedom, self-determination, etc.  This is just
dandy, fine.  But, let's look at what the acronym "NAMBLA" stands
for; the "North American Man/Boy Love Association." (close enough)
First of all, the title specifically names boys, not girls.  Girls
are children too.  Secondly, the name "NAMBLA" also says man/boy love,
not adult/child, not man/child, not adult/adult and not woman/child.
If NAMBLA's goal is really to have children control their own lives,
or even an end to sexism and racism, then I suggest they change their
name to something more appropriate, something that would suggest
such a cause.  What I am getting at is the following question, which
I would like answered by anyone reading this article.

Isn't NAMBLA's goal of "child freedom" and the like intended specifically
to open the door for and gain acceptance of men having sex with boys?

Responses are welcome and desired.  Post responses to net.motss
or mail to shark!tims.