[net.motss] A Gay Response--posted for Keilman

sdyer@bbncca.ARPA (Steve Dyer) (06/12/84)

 Viewed in the larger context of sexual beings on this planet,
the obsession with exclusively heterosexual behavior, exhibited by
many human societies, appears to be the primary mode of sexual
perversion among humans. There are many possible reasons why so
many animals practice both hetero and homosexual behavior. One
possibility is sex education. Perhaps the heterosexual obsession
of American society is the prime factor (observed both from my own 
experiences with heterosexual males and females and the information
I have received from heterosexuals) causing heterosexuals to be such
lousy lovers. The benefits/causes of homosexuality are not relevant
to the direction this discussion is taking.
   Many of the attitudes being expressed here are exactly the type
of beliefs/misinformation which have been used to persecute homosexuals
throughout history.

1) The belief that homosexuality is a perversion of normal sexual
behavior. If anyone can come up with a definition of normal 
sexual behavior, it would be of interest to a much larger audience
that simply this net. The fact is that any notions of what is normal
are dependent upon the objectives of the group doing the defining.
Hitler decided that homosexuality was a deviation in order to create
another group to feed his blood-thirsty ovens. Many people who have
problems with their own feelings of sexuality define homosexuality
as a perversion to reinforce their image of what they should be.
Whatever the reasons at the time, the only purpose served by determining
that any sexual behavior between consenting humans is perverted, is
to subject that group to persecution. In the case of homosexuality in
particular, the study of human and animal behavior indicates that given
the opportunity to be accepted without prejudice, homosexuality is a 
common, productive function of sexuality.

2) The belief that sexual orientation is a matter of "personal choice".
This is simply not the experience of most people. Just as most
heterosexuals experience their heterosexuality as an innate part
of themselves, homosexuals, in general, become aware of the fact that
they simply are homosexual. Not decided to be. Not were traumatized by
a MOTOS. Simply are. When I hear this argument over and over from
heterosexuals, I always wonder if the 4th period rally I missed
in 7th grade was the point at which everyone else *chose* their
sexuality. The lifestyle/choice argument is the one used by 
Gov. Duke... and many other politicians to justify the continuation
of oppression toward homosexuals. The same argument is used by
religious and psychological experts to claim that re-orientation/
salvation is possible and desirable.

3) The belief that homosexuals are unhappy and unfulfilled.
Anyone who believes this does not know a very broad cross-section
of homosexuals, or is allowing their personal prejudices to 
determine what they see. It is true that oppression is neither
happy nor fulfilling, but it does add an understanding to life
that I would never trade to join the Pepsi Generation.
If anything, it enhances the joy, fulfillment, and struggle
in my relationship with my significant other.
This view of homosexuals is used to support the idea that they are
miserable creatures who deserve and create their lot in life,
and overlooks the fact that much unhappiness is created through
the imposition of this belief upon gay people.

4) That there is more joy and newness in relating to a MOTOS.
The physical, mental, emotional, and sexual differences between any
two human beings are eye-opening enough to show the belief
that specific plumming is what brings differences and joy of 
discovery into two people's lives, to be the product of an individual
who has devoted very little thought or effort to the process 
of relating to other people.
   This argument is used to degrade homosexual relationships. 
It has been my experience that very few heterosexuals take my
relationship as seriously as they expect me to take theirs.
Through overcoming the innumerable obstacles to having a gay
relationship, my lover and I have become committed and close
in a way no heterosexual can comprehend.

   Why are people gay or straight? What purpose does gayness or
straightness serve? What are the differences/similarities between
gays and straights? Can people be happy being gay or straight?
Is everybody one or the other?
   None of these questions can be answered in an environment where
homosexuality is subjected to persecution and negative reinforcement,
and heterosexuality is assumed to be the only normal mode of behavior.

			Keith Keilman

/Steve Dyer