harrington@apollo.DEC (01/30/85)
Does anyone out there in net-land have any idea what happened to Doug Ingle, organist and singer for the Iron Butterfly (please - no disparaging comments from non-fans), after the group broke up? Did he just take his millions from 'In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida' and retire, or what? Did he ever do anything else in music? In early 1974, Mike Pinera told me he'd heard that Ingle was in LA trying to get a group together with Ron Bushy, but that never came about, that I know of. Real info, unsubstantiated rumors, educated guesswork - all are welcome. E-Mail me directly, or post to this newsgroup. Also, if anyone knows the source of any Iron Butterfly material, such as rare live recordings, photo books, etc., etc., I'd appreciate it if you'd share that information with me. Thanks very much. ----- Shawn Harrington