[net.motss] Can't connect to mike. }}} = Arndt

arndt@3106.DEC (07/18/84)

	I've got to know the answer to this -- do you think at all about 
what you post to 'net.motss', or do you spend time cooking up inflammatory
lines just to get flamed at? 

}}} I think.

	>> I'm not knocking queers. (Yet)  *note spelling correction*
That, in and of itself, is a knock on gay people. (Think about it.)
                       }}} I know

Oh, and while you're interrogating gays about justifying their behavior,
have you considered your own?  Your postings to this newsgroup,
as well as to 'net.singles', don't have a philosophical leg to
stand on.  (Is that becoming a requirement for submissions?)

         }}} Horseshit!

	>> The idea (your statement) that the expression of an 
	>>      individual's opinion about homosexuality (see 
	>>      I didn't say queer) is morally neutral is crap,
	>>      plain and simple!

Well, at least I won't have to labor under the burden
of believing you to be morally neutral.
                }}} I would say there is NO morally neutral position.  Every
                    time you open your mouth to say this or that OUGHT to be,
                    you take a moral position.

	>> Is Hitler ok?  No. Why?  See.
	>>  Most people think queers are not ok.  See.

Sorry, but you can't equate Hitler with gays, or gayness in
general.  At least, I don't think he would have approved.

              }}} Dummy!  I was not equating Hitler with queers.  My point was
                  (as with the dog and trees) to find SOMEthing that the gays
                  thought WAS morally wrong and then ask them why.  Hitler is 
                  just sort of a universal bad guy handy for such purposes.

	>> I think you are your own worse enemy.  You scare
	>>  the daylights out of the straights and get them
	>>  angry.

How, pray tell, would I 'scare the daylights out of the
straights?'  I don't spend my time running around  trying to
molest every 12-year-old male on the streets, and I certainly
have better things to do with my time than prosletyze about
heterosexuality being 'evil' or 'bad'.

             }}} Maybe you don't but others do.  (Rene Guyon Society)
                 All the more reason for YOU to justify your position
                 and speak out against those who DO want to abuse our
                 children. (NAMBLA)

	>> The blacks could appeal to an inate sense of
	>>  right and fair play. 

And look where it got us before 1955 -- nowhere.
Or am I to understand that Black people are entitled to be treated
fairly, but that gay people are denied such a right?  HOGWASH!

               }}} You are a misinformed asshole.  Even Jerry Fallwell
                   has come out for Gay civil rights.  The point is political
                   rights do not mean moral approval.  

	>> The reason, the appeal that changed the lives of
	>> blacks in the last undred years or so was a MORAL one.
        >> Homosexuals have no such moral leg to stand on.

So far, Ken, you haven't shown one inkling of the concept of
'morals'.  You seem to consider this newsgroup a place to spout
your own paranoidbeliefs and fears about homosexuality under the
guise of 'morals'.  The thought of you telling me where my morals
should be scares the living daylights out of me. Perhaps you
could take a tenth of the energy you have expounded deriding
homosexuality/homosexuals and educate yourself on the subject?

               }}} You must have swallowed too much semen!  You can't read.
                   I'm not telling you where your morals should be, I'm asking.
                   Perhaps you have a right to suck off your buddy till he
                   deflates but when you come out in public and try to tell
                   everyone that what you are doing is right you have to do 
                   more than just say so.  Especially in the face of a moral
                   tradition that is against such behavior!

                   A slave standing up and saying it is bad to be a slave has
                   a moral response ready made in our tradition.  Ergo the
                   advances of the civil rights movement.  The majority does
                   NOT buy the idea that queers are in the same moral boat
                   with blacks.  Any more than any other moral offender to
                   our tradition (crooks, etc.).
	>> Gotta go.  Write if you get ideas.

                   }}} ok  You too.  Unless you'd just like to trade
                       jibes.  That's ok too.

I'm still waiting.

                   }}} Mmmm  Waiting for Arndt.  Maybe I can make that into
                       a play.

				-- Mike Simpson