[net.motss] Goodbye

crane@fortune.UUCP (John Crane) (07/27/84)

To all my friends (and enemies) in net.motss:

Goodbye!  I am going to be away from the network for awhile for reasons
which I can't yet go into detail about.  I just wanted to say to all my
little electronic playmates that it has been really enjoyable and

I have posted a lot of stuff to this newsgroup.  Maybe you agree with it
and maybe you don't.  I think I benefitted more than anybody else by
posting them because it has forced me to examine myself and find out what I
really believe on a number of issues.

But I think everybody benefits from a give and take of ideas.  As it says
in Proverbs somewhere: "As iron sharpens iron, so is one man and his

To the Falwellians:  Goodbye!  Now you have one less faggot to kick around.
I used to be like you.  I used to be a John Bircher.  I voted for Goldwater
and Reagan.  I used to be a very religious conservative Bible reader, but I
NEVER EVER beat anybody over the head with it because they didn't believe
as I did.  I just kept an open mind and tried to love all people regardless
of where they were comming from.

Then one day I grew up, quit pretending to be somebody I wasn't and
discovered that I was "one of those people my parents warned me about." I
can honestly that that I have never been happier.  I am more outgoing, have
a lot more friends, can help people more, and feel just as close to God as
I ever did.

To all the very nice "Dear Abbeys" who answered my letter:

Bob and I have broken up and gone our separate ways.  He has finally
admitted to himself that he is an alcoholic and is getting treatment.  You
might call it "copping out" for me to leave him, but I am in no way
equipped to handle being around somebody like he was.  It was totally
ruining my life.  It's not that I want to hurt him, I just want to stop
hurting myself.  We are still close friends and probably always will be.

Anyway, good people, bye for the present. Thanks for your love, support,
and ideas.

I love you,

John Crane