[net.motss] Reply to Steve Dyer

arndt@lymph.DEC (09/24/84)

I must say that Ken seems to read the most amazing literature; I certainly
haven't seen anything quite like this before.  What mailing lists is he
on anyway?
                > I agree that it IS amazing!  Unbelievable really!  Your tone
                  is interesting.  What mailing lists indeed!  "Ken seems to
                  read . . . "  I'm not reading anything that is not in the
                  public domain or there for anyone who WANTS to look it up
                  and I even documented where it came from.  At least you 
                  don't try to deny the statements are true.  

Anyway, there was a rather long discussion of NAMBLA and children's rights
very early on in net.motss, consisting of one person speaking out for total
self-determination for kids and even infants (in the large sense--this was
not limited to "intergenerational sexuality", as it was genteely referred
to) and most everyone else saying how bonkers that sounded to them.  I
don't think there's much more to be said here.

                > Sorry, I didn't appear and start to grow like Topsy on
                  motss till after that discussion, but that's not the point
                  of my posting.  So glad to hear that most if not all of the
                  netters thought it was "bonkers".  Now who else knows you
                  think that?  I mean who else in the "straight" world, because
                  THAT'S where it counts!!!  IN THE MINDS OF THE STRAIGHT WORLD
                  Rene Guyon Society certainly see themselves as part of the
                  sexual rights freedom movement.  It's starting to sound like
                  a religious "sectual" fight!
All main-stream national gay organizations that I know of explicitly try
to dissociate themselves from any such groups as NAMBLA.  The key to
remember here is that "child/adult" sex is NOT a gay rights issue, and the
only groups who seem to want to make it one are the anti-gay forces and the
{_members of such groups themselves.  Even in Arndt's rather lurid excerpts
from pedophiliac literature, there is interchangeable mention of both
female and male children: where are the gay issues here?  Why did Arndt not
take this stuff to net.kids, or perhaps to net.singles and net.social,
where he could take the straight community to task for their own shameful
members?  Naturally not, for he has no corresponding axe to grind there.
One thing is clear: net.motss is not the place for this discussion.
Arndt is being just a touch disingenuous when he claims not wanting to
"tar" "homosexuals" with this brush, rivaling Paul DuBois' rejoiner,
"Why, I'm only ASKING a QUESTION."

              > Document that statement!  What groups have dissociated and
                where do they say so!  If "child/adult" sex rights are not a
                gay rights issue then why do I see children holding signs
                proclaiming their rights to sex with whomever they "choose"
                in homosexual rights marches???  For instance in the recent
                march in San Francisco during the Democratic convention.
                Groups like NAMBLA and Guyon are filled with homosexuals!
                What the hell does North American MAN/BOY Association mean??
                And as you may read if you care to the Guyon people are not
                particular as to the sex of the child they destroy.
                Yes, the quotes I presented listed hetero and homo relations,
                but how does the mention of both mean no gay issues in your
                mind?  I know tumesence clouds conscience, but in your case
                it seems to cloud thinking as well.  

                Really!  Why don't I speak to others who are doing the same
                thing!  Why pick on motss.  Because I am speaking to YOU!
                That isn't against the law yet!  You act as if to question
                your "lifestyle" in any of its aspects is (is jerk, in case
                you don't end sentences that way on motss).  In my previous
                postings I mentioned heterosexual behavior and I assure you
                I don't condone child abuse by heterosexuals.  I DO have an
                "axe to grind" with them on this issue. (Guess why I don't
                have an "axe to grind" with them otherwise, unless you consider
                the physical and psychological results of promiscuousity, -
                the issue we are looking at is homosexual behavior and they 
                are not homosexual.)  Anyway, you see this as picking on you.
                I'm sorry Steve but you really sound childish.  "I'll take my
                balls home if you don't play my way!"  I must say that not to
                let us play with your balls is unfriendly on this net.  

Just as in the community at large, there is no one voice in the gay
community (and it is debatable that one can even speak of THE gay
community.)  Still, I think it is safe to say that only a very small
minority supports the aims of such groups, with most people either
against or indifferent.

               > I'm not so sure about not being able to find a focus of
                 information about the gay community.  There is a national
                 network with a central message.  Perhaps if you don't
                 know about it I should document it all for you.

                 I would agree with your second sentence.  BUT MY WHOLE
                 ACROSS TO THE STRAIGHT WORLD!!!  Along with things like
                 the health crisis in the homosexual community and its
                 possible outbreak into the straight world, being seen
                 (as you are more and more with each march that includes
                 the children's crusade and each new interview with some
                 bow tied balding middle aged geek slavering over four
                 year olds "with a little massage who WANT . . .") you
                 homosexuals are setting yourselves up to take it in the
                 neck (a new sensation, unlike "fisting" you may not like).

                 What to do?  I'm not advocating full page adds or buttons
                 "I'm not a chickenhawk", but the thing that started me off
                 was Mike B's listing this topic at the end of a number of
                 topics about homosexual lifestyles (HE sees it, it seems,
                 as a homosexual issue) and I wondered in public if he really
                 knew what "chickenhawks" really are.  Don't tell me you don't
                 agree with Rene (he's a real person) and NAMBLA, I believe
                 you Steve.  (Now there's two of us) I'll sit right down and
                 write Jerry a letter to let him know too.  Hope he believes 
                 me next time he gets all hot about your marches and all.
                 Laugh all you want to about him, but he DOES speak for 
                 millions of people when he denounces you.  And not just 
One last comment about Arndt's feeling that his comments about AIDS and
promiscuity haven't received a response.  Nope, they haven't, and it's no
wonder.  Actually, it would have made a fairly interesting discussion, but
unfortunately Arndt wrote off all his credibility with a large majority of
net.motss with his earlier obnoxious behavior.  It's actually pretty
hilarious to see the recent spate of defenses of Arndt: all the guy needs
to do is put on a tie, and suddenly he becomes reconstructed in the guise
of martyr.  Sorry, folks, all I have to judge him by are his words, and
by my count, his recent postings haven't even BEGUN to offset his earlier
behavior.  We'll see.

                 > Big bad Arndt, keeping you all from an interesting
                   discussion.  There you go again, hiding your balls.
                   "Ma he's hitting me again" is getting a bit thin don't you
                   You're actually keeping a score on my postings?  Merde!
                   I guess this one goes on the debit side.  Hilarity is the
                   wrong response Steve, they're trying to tell you something.
                   How many good postings do I have to make to break even?
                   Get ahead?  (By that I mean be MORE than even - I have to
                   be careful how I express myself on this net)  

                   Listen Steve, even you seem to be saying that you have seen
                   a change in my postings, perhaps not this one.  But let me
                   ask you, how many people that you have talked to or heard of
                   have changed even a little in respect to how they regard
                   you starting from my position?  How many people that you 
                   have met on this net have taken the time to research data
                   and attempt to change from bashing to dialog?  I deserve
                   more than a sneer from you!  


Ken Arndt

sdyer@bbncca.ARPA (Steve Dyer) (09/25/84)

To make a comment about the phrase which set Arndt off, "chickenhawk",
I have always seen that used, not to describe child molesters, but
those who are attracted to slim, usually blond, boys just "this side"
of legal age, and those lucky enough (UGGH) to keep that look as they
get older.  Of course, I don't know whether such people "card" their
acquaintances first, but we are now discussing the gray area of the
age of consent, where reasonable people may disagree.  I am not going
to waste my time defending someone's right to a 16 year old, but at
the same time, if a 16 year old has the right to marry and have kids,
it seems logical to presume that there isn't quite as much
"victimization" present there as, say, with a younger child.  Mom and
Dad may disagree; I prefer not to take any stand at all.  Anyway, my
point is that I interpreted the phrase differently than you did.

By the way, just what IS this big national gay network you are
referring to?  And what's the "central message?"  I'd like to know just
what is happening.  Sometimes I feel life is just passing me by in
this hick town...  Where do I suscribe?

Both the National Gay Task Force and the Gay Rights National Lobby
have repeatedly made public statements disassociating themselves with
the aims of pedophile organizations.  Naturally, we are lucky if any
of them gained more than the back pages of the daily newspapers, if at
all.  Which brings us to the crux of the issue.

You seem to see the limited "P.R." ability of the gay community as
due to lack of trying.  It is much more complicated than that.
Naturally one would like the "message" to get across to as many
people as possible
/Steve Dyer

sdyer@bbncca.ARPA (Steve Dyer) (09/25/84)

Nothing like a modem hanging up...  Here's the rest of my truncated

You seem to see the limited "P.R." ability of the gay community as
due to lack of trying.  It is much more complicated than that.
Naturally one would like the "message" to get across to as many
people as possible, but the gay rights movement is very young
compared to the civil rights movement.  What we see here are the
earliest rumblings of a movement, one which is still not unified,
and which has only begun to make the attempt to change societal
attitudes, and here, mainly through small, local actions: changing the
attitudes of one's neighbors comes before the attitudes of the country
at large.  Net.motss is one vehicle towards this.  Having gay people
speak out and publically affirm their identity is one vehicle towards
this.  Seeing openly gay people elected to public office (e.g. Studds,
Boston city councillor David Scondras) is one vehicle toward this.
As helpful as laws and ordinances can be towards ensuring equal
rights, one cannot legislate attitudes.

Your comment about society recognizing racial equality as an inherent
"right" is not qualitatively different from a respect for a person's
sexual and affectional preference.  What you are seeing, though, are
attitudes at opposite ends of the time line.  A comment like yours
about racial equality would have seemed equally outrageous, 100, 50,
even 20 years ago in some parts.  Changing attitudes takes time.
Already the situation of gay people today is far far better than
20 years ago, even with the Brunsons still in the outback.

We will have come a long way when the claims of a Falwell are
dismissed out of hand by people, simply because they know gay
people and recognize the caricature which such demagogues present
as an enormous lie.  Sure we aren't there yet.  It will be a
matter of time.  In most urban centers, there is significant
progress along these lines.  You might argue that such "progress" is
illusory, and there are many more people outside the cities with
more retrograde ideas.  Perhaps, but this is the nature of change;
it starts in the cities and only later is accepted in general.
/Steve Dyer