[net.motss] Close to next to last reply to Andrew Gerber

arndt@lymph.DEC (10/05/84)

Ok, ok you caught me being rude!

So maybe you're not LEAPING!

Maybe not even SCREAMING!
I have been called a lot worse.  And sometimes it was true. And sometimes not.

My mention of missing out on the joys (and heartaches) of knowing a woman
was an attempt to raise the issue of what is "natural".  (Boswell too easily
discounts the argument Christians make that homosexuality is "unnatural".)
But that's another debate.  (In preparation, see C.S. Lewis's book STUDIES
IN WORDS, Cambridge U. Pr.,1967, NATURE, pp.24-74)
I don't care if you call me a LEAPING SCREAMING ASSHOLE,  it could become a
term of endearment!  I think you are reaching, to get me to believe that you
were personally offended.  By the way, don't say things like, "If I was female"
it could give you ideas or something.  See, I care about you.

You sound to me like a Christian reading the laws of perfection when you start
quoting the rules to me.  Hey, you don't really think I'm that bad, do you?
I mean I may toss a bladder at you but I don't hate you or anything.  The time
I said I hate you all (homosexuals) it was (so I thought) so obviously a
facetious remark (remember, I added that it must be so because I was question-
ing your beliefs) that it couldn't be misunderstood.  Wrong!  Someone pointed
it up as 'proof' I was hate filled.

I have never even intimated that I thought homosexuals were not human.
"Never forget that the person on the other side is Human"  In fact, I 
specifically stated to Steve Dyer I didn't even think you were idiots, 
just mistaken!
What's wrong with your SO "filling your life"?  Sure it's a big job!

Are you really not your brother's keeper?  How do you know it's a minority 
that have bathroom sex?  What studies gave you that data?  Just a hunch huh?

I SAID  I was not "painting all homosexuals with the same brush" (when I
was talking about child abuse - but the same goes for promiscuity).  Haven't
I made that plain enough?  Of course to Steve Dyer every remark like that I
make is gratuitous.  Who's paranoid now?

I don't think all homosexuals are the same.  That's not my idea of equality.
Oh dear.  Bozo!  The forbidden word.  Now THAT'S rude!

What the hell is my 'military defense'?  Tell me so I'll know.  I never said
there were no homosexuals in the military!  Is that what you meant? Of course
gays in service serve their country well.

This season's T.V. shows (for the masses) have more homosexuals in them.
(Norman Lear is really in the pay of Jerry Falwell - getting the masses
to face the question of where homosexals fit in - or out - wanna put it
to a vote by the public?)

No I don't enjoy making people suffer more.  But someone's got to do it!
[Facetious, facetious!)

How do you know Andy doesn't have a chicken neck???  Is that your idea of
"REALLY RUDE"?  Where have you been hanging out?  Not with the big boys.

Again with the "not my business" stuff.  Yes Yes Yes the men who rape little
girls (or anyone) are my business.  I make it my business!

Oh boy!  MY MOB'S BIGGER THAN YOUR MOB!  Besides I'm not so stupid as to be
leading the mob.  And I don't need a mob:

                I have . . ahem . . RIGHT on my side!  -:

Gays get WOMEN (girls? boy are you showing your hang-ups - sic'em NOW)
who don't (as a general statement - I can make'em too) want sexual
attachments with men.  I mean gay men, not bisexuals.

Misinformed?  Show me.

Reactionary?  Sure, like someone who defends what's good against change for
the worse.

Slightly insane?  Now if you can tell what is sane in this world we'd all
like to know.

Interesting.  Why thank you.  I find all the people on this net interesting.
As people.  Even though I disagree with some of them.  That's just part of
what makes them interesting.  I even find it interesting that they take
offense so easily.  (I think it says something about them, I mean about
what they believe or believe they believe)
I once had a homosexual boss.  Great guy.  Caught hepatitus finally.  One
day I told him his eyes looked yellow and he freaked out.  I had to drive
him to the hospital.  Was he pissed at his SO!  Was I glad I never ate his

I knew a guy who otherwise was normal as rain.  But his goal was to be
EATEN.  I mean cooked and eaten!!!  He's in someone's septic system by
now.  Claimed he knew people in N.Y. who would do it for him.  At first
I thought he was putting me on, but after a few months I believed him.
So see, you guys aren't so strange or fearful to me as some of you have

Be glad to meet you for a glass of beer sometime.  (You keep your glass
and I'll keep mine! -: -:)  I looked for you on ELF but you are either
very new at DEC or you didn't really mean you work at DEC.

Oh well, here comes another truck into the loading dock so I have to get
back to work.

Stay tight and look to your right,

Ken Arndt