[net.motss] net.rights proposal

rrizzo@bbncca.ARPA (Ron Rizzo) (11/28/84)

Given the overwhelming success of net.abortion & net.origins
in siphoning off abortion & origins debates from other newsgroups,
I propose the creation of net.rights for all discussions of civil 
rights & liberties, including legal & metalegal issues, such as:

	laws & legislation
	what is a right?  how many rights are there? when if ever
		can they be denied, & to whom?  is there a right
		to a job, a right to discriminate, etc.?
	applications of any of the above issues to any groups,
		nations, historical periods, belief systems, etc.

I considered naming the newsgroup "net.soapbox" or "net.libertarian"
but in the end thought the less invidious "net.rights" preferable.

Once such a newsgroup is established, the netiquette ban on facile
posting to multiple newsgroups would of course apply (& hopefully
be observed by participants).

A desirable side-effect of segregating the endless "rights" debates
in net.rights would be to clearly reveal the legal/metalegal content
or lack of it in postings, and discourage posters from padding their
articles with secondary issues (like rambling commentary on a host
of topics about homosexuality marginal to the discussion in exchanges
over "gay rights").

Reactions, comments, & suggestions?

					Ron Rizzo

"I'm mad as hell, & I'm not going to take it anymore!!"
					-- Howard Beal