[net.motss] A Couple of Things

levasseur@morgan.DEC (01/22/85)

                     Burning Cosmic Questions

   A friend from work(via the network) and I were out dancing last night.
We had an interesting conversation about attitudes in bars and I wonder
if other people can shed light on some of the motivation behind bar per-
sonna. I'm sure others have seen this. You're sitting at the bar and a
particularly handsome man is eyeing you. You can feel his eyes on the
back of your head. Each time you turn to look back, he turns away. You
move and he follows, each time looking when your back is turned. He
smiles from time to time and nods. You finally decide to walk up to him
and introduce yourself, at which point he leaves or starts chatting with
someone else. Is this just the challenge of hunt and chase, or what!
It all gets pretty frustrating. Another thing I notice in discos is that
a lot of people will not dance with a person. Their explanation is that
they're afraid that their friends might not approve of who they've acc-
epted a dance invitation from. Egad! I mean I'm just asking to dance, not
for their hand in marriage. Another situation that ruffles my feathers
is the anonymous person who buys you drinks all night. You ask the bar-
tender who it is and all he can tell you is that someone finds you quite att-
ractive and doesn't want his identity revealed. I mean, why can't people
just be open and honest. If someone finds me attractive; just come up and
say hello. I don't bite and don't give tacky put-downs! I know that bars
are not the best places to meet people. These games drive me nuts! Any
ideas on why these turkeys play like this.

                A Possibly Fun Topic for Discussion

   I attend a gay social/support group where the topic of discussion
varies from week to week. One of the most fun topics are stories about
our coming out and what it was like, what we did, how we felt, etc. We
also chat about the most outragious/funny things we've done or situations
we've been in as gay people. Most gay people I've met have very entertain-
ing tales to tell about their pasts. It leaves me with a feeling of relief
when I hear some of their tales of intrigue, "Wow! I'm glad I'm not the
only person who's done that, felt that way, etc". Maybe it might help some
of us if sad stories are shared also; rejection by family, death of/breakup
a significant other. I don't know if this topic has ever been brought up
in net.motss but it might be interesting. 

                           "All agog with questions in Hudson"         
