[net.misc] smoke

cushner@ttidcb.UUCP (Jeffrey Cushner) (05/07/85)

I had great success with my own idea.

I found that when I had tried to quit, saying to myself, "I will never
have another one", I couldn't do it.  Never was just too long a time.

After three failed attempts in this manner, I decided that I had to rethink
the solution.  I realized I had to keep these points in mind when I quit:

 * I am quitting for health and other reasons RIGHT NOW; not some obscure
   reasons 50 years in the future.  This included singing, endurance,
   and blood pressure

 * I will never quit "forever". (kinda sounds good, huh?)

This is what I did:

I started out smoking one cigarette a week.  After 3 months I went to
one a month and continued to do that for 5 years.

In the beginning I would look forward to that one cigarette with *relish*.
(hold the mustard {^: )  I would smoke it down to the filter (and sometimes
beyond)  Later, after a few months on the once a month plan, it started
to taste somewhat *odd*, but I still loved it.  After a year or so, I
felt half and half about it.  After 4 years, I couldn't *stand* it but
kept on going to give me increased negative feedback.

Between 4 and 5 years (at that time I couldn't care less) I decided that
I was cured and stopped the once a month.  But did that mean that I was
*never* going to have another one??  NOT ON YOUR LIFE!

Now, every Smokenders day, to celebrate, I light one up.  I only get about
half way through, however, before I have to put it out due to the disgusting

Good luck in your campaign!

			 Jeff Cushner @
			 Santa Monica CA 90405
			 (213) 450-9111 x2273


    ** The above comments do not necessarily reflect the opinions of   **
    ** Citicorp-TTI and if the corporation wants them to, they'll have **
    ** to pay through the nose for the rights!                         **

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