[net.motss] Forwarded Message

root@allegra.UUCP (11/11/83)

Testing anonymous access server.  (OK "Lance".  You're back on the air!)

root@allegra.UUCP (11/11/83)

	To: people with accounts on allegra

Information on how to use the motss anonymous access server is stored
in /usr/local/lib/anon/README

	To: everyone else

Providing anonymous access to net.motss is quite easy.  cron can run a
small shell script every hour that looks in a [publically unreadable]
spool directory.  Any files there are passed to inews and then

In a public directory, we planted a setuid program that copies input to
a unique file in /usr/spool/motss.  There are a number of links to this
program with names like "a.out", "cat", "ls", "more" so that shell
accounting cannot be used to trace access.

The shell script referenced in crontab is something like:

set -e
cd /usr/spool/motss
for i in *
	/usr/bin/inews -t forwarded message -n net.motss < $i
	rm $i

root@allegra.UUCP (11/17/83)

Gays in the media; a pretty rare beast.  Of course, lots of actors and
"teen idols" are gay.  (A friend of mine worked as a bartender in a gay
disco in California, and could he tell you some stories!  However, I
don't believe in naming names.)

"That Certain Summer" is a pretty good book, but very different from
the story on TV.  The father leaves his gay lover to get married, not
the other way around.  Then his 17-year old son falls in love with his
father's former lover.  I am not surprised they rewrote it for TV!

"Brideshead Revisited" openly portrays the traditional homosexual love
that was a common part of the upper class British schools.  The Anthony
Blake character is a master of camp humor, something dying out today in
the gay community.  Anthony Andrews plays the beautiful, but troubled

Mary Renault has written a number of books which deal with male
homosexual love.  "The Charioteer" takes place in WWI (II?) England.
Most of her novels take place in ancient Greece.  "The Persian Boy" is
the most famous, a true story about one of Alexander's lovers.

The main Lesbian author of our time is Rita Mae Brown.  She wrote "Ruby
Fruit Jungle" which is a must read for anyone interested in the female
gay world.  I haven't noticed any messages on motss from Lesbians, and
I don't expect to.  Those that I know would be as interested in what we
have to say about Lesbianism as a pig is about Sunday.

Movies?  When "Personal Best" was shown in Greenwich Village to a
Lesbian audience, they applauded after the first love scene.  That kind
of praise is VERY hard to come by.  I've given up on ever seeing a good
movie about the male gay experience.

				I just watch for Richard Gere,

root@allegra.UUCP (11/17/83)

When should you come out?

A friend of mine recently got a security clearance.  It was hell!  He
told them he was gay, so someone from the government came and asked him
a whole series of degrading questions ("do you have sex in public?",
"are you dominant or passive?", etc.).  On the bright side though, his
friends in the company and his boss were very supportive and shared his
indignation on being asked these questions.

I have never had problems, and all of my friends know who "Lance" is.
Then again, all my friends are liberal scientists with Ph.D.'s.  You
have to judge whether the people you are around are "cool".  I don't
make a point of telling people I am gay, but if I am open, my close
friends tend to find out (sometimes by accident, the technical term for
which is "dropping your beads".)

Then comes the problem of how to meet people when you are not "out".
You can try wearing an earring, but I swear no one knows which ear it
goes in.  ("Gee, I think it depends on what coast you are on.") If
you're in Greenwich Village, try asking directions to "Uncle Charlie's"
(I prefer "The Ninth Circle" personally.).  There are the standard
lines too:

You ask:	"Do you have the time?"
Straight:	"Sure, it's five o'clock."
Gay:		"Sure."

So, are you all getting in touch or just reading netnews?  What are you
waiting for, your 80th birthday!

				An All American Boy,

root@allegra.UUCP (11/21/83)

You can send mail to allegra!lance.  It goes into a public file on our
system.  (Please don't send mail to allegra!root.  It is rarely looked
at, and mainly used to exchange uucp info.  Thanks.)

root@allegra.UUCP (12/14/83)

S/M is "politically incorrect" because it is considered to be the
psychological basis of male domination of women in our society.  That
is one of the more radical viewpoints, anyway.  In other words,
Lesbians doing S/M are symbolically acting out what all [straight] men
do to all women.

In response to "Real Men Aren't Named Lance".  Well, what can I say?
Lance is the name of a movie "actor" I like.  You can see him in the
great cinema classic, "Good Times Coming".

				A confirmed quiche eater,

root@allegra.UUCP (root) (01/07/84)

Here is a letter I just sent to a close friend of mine.  Perhaps it will
contain something of interest to some people on net.motss:

  Dear Tom,

  I am really concerned about you and Mark.  I think you are making a big
  mistake if you leave Mark.  Here are my main points:

  1. You are too much of a perfectionist.  You reject people for trivial
  reasons when they have many good points.  Mark is loving, cute,
  intelligent, and a neat housemate.  When we were talking, you were
  never able to tell me anything convincingly bad about him.  If
  anything, you got lucky!  Do you think you can find lots of people who
  meet all your requirements?  I don't think so.

  2. In some ways I think you are still a virgin.  Like many people who
  don't start sex early in life, you are addicted to masterbation.  You
  have never experienced sex "here and now" with someone.  Instead, you
  climb into an inner fantasy world.  You are still masterbating instead
  of making love!

  3. Another indication of sexual immaturity is that you are so put off
  by the smells and tastes and feelings of the human body.  This is a
  sort of contempt for Humanity.  I know lots of straight people like
  this.  They think oral sex is gross.  They think a guy's cock is ugly.
  They suffer from a modern social disorder; thinking people should be
  pristine like they were made of plastic and chrome!

  4. Talk this over with Mark and see if you can't try to work out some
  more therapeutic love making.  Stop worrying about your own orgasm so
  much and just enjoy the feelings in your body.  Also, try concentrating
  on each other's orgasms.  Get Mark's rocks off and just watch him and
  enjoy his reactions while you're doing it.  Let him try to do the same
  to you.  Don't worry about "getting results".  Just playing together is
  better love making than some people accomplish.

  5. You and Mark can have an open relationship, I am sure.  First
  though, you must develop security and trust.  How can Mark trust you
  when you openly talk about leaving him!  If you are too selfish, you
  will wind up being the loser in the long run.  Friends and long-term
  relationships are something few gays achieve, and they are often very
  lonely because of that.

					Your armchair sex therapist,

root@allegra.UUCP (root) (01/11/84)

For what it's worth, I know two identical twins one of whom is gay and
the other straight.  That must conflict with some silly theory.

With regard to Will Doherty's article, I have a few words.  Motss has a
very large readership, and for the most part I am sure it is made up of
curious straights (Hi There!).  Most of these people know very little
about the gay community except for the more outrageous (and outdated)
stereotypes.  Therefore, I am glad to see the articles from Steve Dyer,
Mike Simpson and "Felix".  They are doing a good job of expressing the
feelings of the young gay mainstream.

Will Doherty, and other members of NAMBLA do not represent the
mainstream.  They are a fringe group that offends almost all other gay
people.  I may sound very promiscuous in my articles, but I think
anyone who seduces a child should go to prison.  NAMBLA has done and
continues to do a great deal of harm to the gay liberation movement!


root@allegra.UUCP (root) (01/12/84)

Here is a letter I recently recieve from a gay friend back at school.
I thought I would also share it with motss:


  Life is kind of hysterical. Last night I was working late in the lab,
  when out of the blue, this gay post-doc I ran around with one summer
  walked in.  You could have knocked me over with a feather. We never had
  sex, but he was very promiscuous. I always admired his zest for life,
  and envied his youthful appearance. He had always kept a slight
  distance from me, I always thought it was to keep me from getting
  involved. We had been kind of stand-offish because he stood me up for
  our last date and didn't even say goodby. He did the same thing to the
  secretary, XXXXX.
  Well last night he explained why all that had happened. For years he
  had hid from me the fact that he is dying from leukemia! All the
  incidents which had hurt me, he now brought up of his own volition. He
  told me tales of passing out in his office, of vomiting blood and
  spending weekends in the hospital. Ironically, he was hurting far more
  than me. His greatest fear was that his friends would find out. The
  ravages of disease have not touched his face. The last time he was
  here, he brought with him the most beautiful boy.  I came up to them
  and flamboyantly said hello, to which the boy replied, "Oh, you MUST be
  YYYYY." I never got to talk to this kid because they left mysteriously
  very soon after that. I now have learned that he had had a sudden
  remission. The boy is as much his nurse as his lover. He was too weak
  to travel alone.
  So it is not often that our friends can redeem themselves in our
  opinions, and emerge from the torment of pettiness we heap on them with
  a really rare dignity. As the song goes, "I come away with a diffr'nt
  point o' view." Now I know why he lives the way he does, because every
  day was a little more precious to him.



root@allegra.UUCP (root) (01/12/84)

Talking about the problems of going home, one of my closest friends
from school likes to keep his hair dyed ash blond.  Before spending
Christmas with his mother, he has to carefully dye it back to its
natural color.


root@allegra.UUCP (root) (01/17/84)

An objective response to NAMBLA:

  A child can be severely crippled emotionally by a traumatic sexual
  experience with a trusted adult.  The person may be traumatized at the
  time, or later when they grow up and realize the implications of what
  has happened.

  Children need the love of an adult very much.  If that adult
  introduces sex into the relationship, the child may go along.  The
  child may even enjoy it, but it is not because the child wants the sex
  in the same way as an adult.  Studies of incest victims follow that
  pattern.  When the child grows up, they are terribly hurt by the

  This is a abuse of the bond between a developing child and an adult.

A very subjective response to NAMBLA:

  It's people like this who give queers a bad name!


root@allegra.UUCP (root) (01/28/84)

If you are gay and living in the Holmdel or Murray Hill or Short Hills
areas, you are not alone!  A number of employees of AT&T Bell Labs have
organized informal meetings for discussion, group activities, and just
generally getting in touch.

At Holmdel, about 15 people of all ages meet regularly for discussion
and get together to see plays in NYC and such things.  A number of
straight friends often participate in their activities as well.

At Murray Hill, we are in the process of organizing.  There are four
men and two women working on this and we have already gotten in touch
with several more people.

Don't let yourself feel isolated!  If you would like to join our group
or if you would like to talk with someone you can trust, get in touch
with us.  For information, contact Greg Howard at (201) 530-8330.

root@allegra.UUCP (root) (02/03/84)

	Lesbians and Gays in Telecommunications (LeGIT) is hosting
an AIDS lecture on Friday, February 24th.  The speaker will be from
the NJ Department of Health, the Centers for Disease Control, or
one of the NJ Hospitals active in treating people with AIDS.  There
may also be representatives from Gay Mens Health Crisis and the New
Jersey Lesbian and Gay Coalition to give small presentations.

	Topics will include: A description of AIDS, what it is and
isn't; Who it affects; Symptoms to watch for; Safer sex guidelines;
The latest statistics; an update of any recent findings on transmission;
and a Q & A session.

	The lecture will be held in the Lincroft area. Anyone needing
further information should contact:

					Greg Howard
					(201) 949-3837  work
					(201) 530-8330  home
					hopd3!gbh       UNIX mail

root@allegra.UUCP (root) (02/12/84)

		A day in the life ...

I got a very excited phone call from my friend Tom in California.  He
and his lover, Mark, were strolling down the beach at Malibu and
noticed a group of nice looking young men.  As they walked by, they
noticed one guy sitting on another guy's lap.  One in white trunks
called out to Tom (an obscene but friendly remark).

"Hey, they're gay!" said Tom.

"Yeah, and the guy in the white trunks is Lance!" said Mark.

[Note:  Lance is a young blond porno star.]

Tom didn't believe it, so they walked on.  Later, the group of guys
walked by them, and Tom saw the famous panther-head tattoo on Lance's
arm.  He called out "Hey, you're Lance!", and they all wound up talking
for a while.  (The white trunks were actually Calvin Klein underwear!)
One guy gave Tom his business card (he sold Roll Royces in San
Francisco), and Lance wrote Tom's phone number on the back of his

				"Lance", but not Lance

root@allegra.UUCP (root) (02/12/84)

People have been talking a lot about coming out.  Coming out to
everyone is a big step, but what is disapointing is that many gays
cannot come out to other gays.  Specifically, I am thinking of the gay
talk group at the place where I work.  It is doing well, but the number
of people in it is clearly a very tiny fraction of the gay population
at our lab (thousands of people work here!).

I know one case of a guy who met another member of his department at a
gay bar.  The other fellow was very upset and started avoiding the
first guy completely.  I guess I was like that as an undergraduate.  I
had the chance to attend gay-student meetings but chose instead to just
feel miserable (even thought my roommate and I were lovers).

Here is my advice to isolated gay people:

1. Check out counceling services at work.  I know at AT&T Bell Labs,
they are very good at helping gay people and will also get you in touch
with gay therapists or with the gay talk group if you want to.  Of
course, they are highly discrete.

2. Get in touch with the talk groups, if there are any.  They are also
quite discrete.  It really helps a lot to know other people; to
recognize a few faces in the hallways.

Of course, the first step is to face the fact that you are gay.  If you
choose to see a counceller, they will let you take that step very


root@allegra.UUCP (Allegra Staff) (08/04/84)

OK, enough politics.  Let's talk about beauty and the Olympics.  In
addition to the fellows Ron Rizzo mentions, keep your eye on Greg
Louganis (US diver) and Steve Lundquist (swimmer).  Greg has gotten a
lot of attention in the gay press.  Lundquist has been doing a lot of
modeling, photographed by none other than Bruce Weber (the reason GQ
magazine used to be so great).

Also, on the Brazilian team, check out Tom Hintnaus.  He was the model
for the amazing Calvin Klein undershorts add, the one with Tom in his
shorts leaning against some sort of white pillar.  This was also
photographed by Bruce Weber.

There is a book out of Bruce Weber's photos.  Very nice.  It has an
entire section on the famous model, Jeff Aquilon, some of which are
distinctly erotic.

Straying even further from the topic, I assume you have noticed Scott
Madsen, the fellow in the Soloflex adds.  Soloflex publishes a
beautiful booklet about their machine featuring Scott in all sorts of
positions.  You can also buy full-sized posters of him from PERSONAL
EXPRESS, in Fair Oaks CA.

Well, maybe next time I'll say something deep and intellectual.


root@allegra.UUCP (Allegra Staff) (08/05/84)

I agree with Tannenbaum: Ken Arndt is a very naughty boy, but finking
on him is not cool.  Let's face it, there are a lot of naughty boys on

So what is all this BS about "invert" versus "pervert".  I don't care
if being gay is learned or inborn.  I don't care if 75 percent of the
population never does it.  I don't care if the Bible says it is bad.  I
don't even care if Ken Arndt says it is bad.

If two motss want to have sex, who are they hurting?  And if they do
hurt each other, isn't straight sex just as "dangerous"?  And what
business is it of anyone else's?  If you want to peek through keyholes,
why don't you get angry at the child molesters and wife beaters.

				Hell hath no fury like...

root@allegra.UUCP (Allegra Staff) (08/06/84)

Well, I guess this means we won't hear the rest of Arndt's Navy
stories.  Too bad.  Too bad that so many people unraveled at the seams
when he posted trivial arguments against homosexuality.  Why the

First of all, considering how widely read net.motss is, there are very
few creeps.  So, don't waste energy stewing over hate mail like
Plunkett's latest.  If someone farts in public, do you think about the
bad smell for days and days?

What do people mean when they say that homosexuality is unnatural?  Do
they mean it is a recent fad like Punk Rock?  No, it is as old as
mankind.  Do they mean it has always been detested?  No, some societies
were quite casual about it.  I think what they really mean is "I don't
want anyone to be that different from me."

Are people homosexual just because they want to be?  I have rarely met
anyone who claimed such.  The first time I fell in love, it was with
another boy.  I didn't decide to do that for kicks.  It tore me apart
inside, just like it does when a boy falls in love with a girl.

So, why shouldn't I love another guy?  Why isn't it my right?  Because
it offends people who will never see us make love?  It is really
frightening to see how meaningless the word Freedom is to some people.
If there is one single answer to all the objections I have seen on

			Keep him away from water,
			Keep him out of the light,
			And never, never feed him after midnight,


sdyer@bbncca.ARPA (Steve Dyer) (08/17/84)

	I would be interested in discussing and sharing, over personal mail,
the issues involved in being gay and jew--the related problems, conflicts,
experiences, solutions; the inner struggles as well as those with the exterior
world.  More generally, those arising from belonging to several (incompatible?)
worlds:  gay; religious (jewish or other); in my case--also European; of
integrating them internally, rather than rejecting or repressing any one of
them; of coming to terms with an alien (and hence often alienating) environment.

	I am primarily looking for people for whom these are *personal* issues
in any way, rather than for `outsiders' willing to provide theoretical, however
well-meant, advice or criticism.  I am not interested either, at this point, in
political and militant polemics.

	If you are willing to communicate, please send mail to Steve Dyer, who
has very kindly agreed to forward it to me.  I shall reply to you directly.
/Steve Dyer

root@allegra.UUCP (Allegra Staff) (08/18/84)

I have the vague impression that an earring in the right ear means gay,
and in the left ear means straight.  Then again, I have gay friends who
wear earrings in their left ear.  "Gee, I think it depends on which
coast you are on", say some.  Matt Dillon's left ear is pierced, Rick
Springfield's (sigh) right ear is pierced.  Does that mean one of them
has to be gay, or is "Teen Beat" just slide-flopping some of their

This is a symptom of a general problem.  Every time we think of a code
signal, rock stars start doing it, and then the teenage boys start
doing it and before you know it, guys are getting propositioned on
their High-School field trips to Greenwich Village!  How can we stop
these straight guys from copying our superior fashion sense?

Come on you computer scientists!  What is the algorithm for telling
someone you are gay in a way that only another gay can recognize?
Dropping hairpins is only a heuristic.

			The "gay philosophers" problem is NP complete,

rjd@linus.UUCP (Robert DeBenedictis) (04/08/85)

The following message is being fowarded anonymously.
If feasible, address reponses to the net.  I will, though,
foward mail to the original author if it is sent to me.


A friend of mine has left home to go to university. he is living in a house
with two women who, over the course of the school year have discovered that
they are a) lesbians and b) in love with each other. My friend is not really
comfortable with the thought of living with 2 heterosexual lovers, but, to
his dismay, he has found that in addition to this discomfort he is not
comfortable with the fact that they are Gay.

He has never had to deal with this before. He is ashamed that he is
uncomfortable, but he is uncomfortable all the same. He phoned me up long
distance to see if I could shed any light on the problem. Unfortunately,
I can't - it is like a fear of cats -- I understand the the fear and
discomfort are real for him, but since I have never felt it, I don't
know how one would get rid of it.

Any suggestions? *Cheap* suggestions -- undergrads don't make much money.


Posted By:
Robert DeBenedictis