[net.motss] NE Gay & Lesbian Film Festival,GCN

sdyer@bbnccv.UUCP (Steve Dyer) (06/05/85)

The premiere of the NE Gay & Lesbian Film Festival is a benefit for
Boston's "Gay Community News", one of the original newspapers of
gay liberation.  GCN is currently in rather severe financial condition,
a perennial situation for such an enterprise, but almost to the brink
of disaster right now.  If any of you in the NE area were thinking of
attending the festival, give special thought to attending Wednesday,
June 5, at the Orson Welles Cinema in Cambridge.

On a more general note, I would urge those who read GCN and who get
some value from it, consider making a tax-deductible contribution
to help it through this period.  Or those who buy it on the newsstand
consider subscribing.  Or those who haven't read it, purchase a copy
at their newsstand.  Their politics are incontrovertibly leftist, almost
to the point of self-parody ("1000 demonstrate against apartheid including
5 lesbians") but the paper remains one of the best sources for news in
the gay community of Boston, and in fact, most of the world.  It is a
refreshing antidote to the often airbrained Guppie spinoff known as
Bay Windows.  GCN is a national paper, though it covers events in New
England especially well.  It would be a tragedy if the paper were forced
to stop publishing.

GCN's address is: 167 Tremont Street / Boston MA 02111
Subscriptions are $29/yr, $17.50/25 weeks

I should mention that I have no official affiliation with GCN other than
through contributing my time as a volunteer.  
/Steve Dyer