[net.motss] Just a few remarks

arndt@lymph.DEC (07/17/85)

If I may (Mr. Steve Dyer), a few comments to John's posting on my posting.

**John comments on my statement about the Gay Agenda going south:**

"As far as losing political power is concerned, this definitely seems to be 
true at least in Boston, with pimpleheads like Dukakis sacrificing one part 
of the coalition of groups that put him into power in order to placate his 
broader-based support amongst the highly Catholic majority in 
Massachusetts.  While it is indeed unfortunate that the pendulum has begun 
to swing back to the right with seemingly increasing speed, things aren't 
quite as bad as they were in the 50s (yet)."

               *** From what I read in the press it's a nationwide thing.
Anyone else out there got some input??  See guys, there ARE more of the
'straights' than you and when you wake them up with Sister Boom Boom, AIDS,
etc., they get upset and get ORGANIZED!  And they're only just startin'!!
If you think you have trusted allies in Labor, the Left Wing of the Democratic
Party - you're mistaken I believe.  They go with the bigger battalions every
time.  Anyone got a lead into the national Democratic Party thinking in this
subject - I mean besides what I read in the papers??  Might be interesting.

** John continues:
"I have to admit that I don't know enough about Falwell's standing on gays 
to make an educated comment about his being on or anywhere near our side."

                 *** Well now you do.  I just quoted from one of his interviews.
So he doesn't talk smooth or dress sharp.  (That's one of the reasons I listen
to him more than some others, eh? - or could we be so far gone that the pols
know this and dress their guy lower middle class???)  The point is he HAS
INFLUENCE like it or not!  He's not afraid to speak his mind.  (Yea I know,
ha ha)  He's saying homosexuals have certain rights that should be respected.
OTHERS are calling for you to be removed from society.  Do you think this is
going to stop?  You are not in a position to be biting hands offered is my
point.  It is not far fetched to think of laws passed against homosexuals
in the states and remember - the LAW is what the Supreme Court SAYS it is
at any given time by particular justices!!!  The Court has overturned itself
many times.  So don't say, as John does below, he's trusting on the
Constitution to save his rights.
** John again:
"Since AIDS has become more than just a 'gay' problem (see last month's LIFE 
(or was it this month's?) with the cover story about no one being safe from 
AIDS anymore), it has begun to attract large-scale interest, with research 
dollars finally being shaken loose in respectable amounts."

                    *** Well, AIDS is INFECTING more than just Gays now,
but don't for a minute think that in the public mind it's no longer seen
as a product of Gay 'lifestyle' or that Gays are largely the vector of the
disease.  Besides, AIDS is only the tip of the disease iceberg - remember
way back my article about bowel pathagens? - in the Gay community!  It's
all coming out into the light of day with AIDS.  You guys are INFECTED!
'Safe sex indeed'!  And what does it say about societie's commitment to
Gays that it has to come to the disease spreading to the 'straights' before
it's more than a slightly interesting story on the nightly news and the
money is there to find a cure.  You realize they're taking' money from other
programs at CDC.  Expect a backlash about that.  How many health insurance
companies are going to go broke?  Will mr. and mrs joe average look at
Sister Boom Boom or some other geek in a bra on roller skates and say I owe
these guys more of my tax money so they can continue to mock me and live
contrary to my values and change the society I live in till I don't recognize
or like it anymore?  Take a guess.  Take a guess where the pols who control
the money will stand when Jerry has 20 million on the rolls - not to mention
all the other right groups formed and forming.
**John again:
"It's not quite that bad, but things have changed, unfortunately.  We once 
again have people trying to make other people obey a particular set of 
'morals' that are believed by these people to be the One True and Correct 
Way of Behaving.  Whatever happened to the separation of church and state?"

                *** Look, you don't understand anything if you don't see
that EVERYONE has a set of morals they think everyone else should obey.
The majority just doesn't have a set of values that thinks homosexuality
is dandy.  YOU have a set of values that thinks you should be left alone
and supported by laws in our society and protected as homosexuals.  As for
the famous 'separation of church and state' issue - there never was and 
never will be absolute separation.  That's stupid and unrealistic.  In the
first place no one says homosexuality was in the bill of rights, rather the
opposite.  It was against the law in all the states living under the 
RELIGIOUS BASE - remember 'In God We Trust', 'Creator', etc in the founding
documents.? - and there are now more religious people in this country than
at any time in recent history.  So where oh where, I ask, does that leave you
people???  Losing ground if not in jail shortly!  Ergo cast about for friends.  
John again:
"What a teribly CYNICAL way to completely write-off the over $40 million 
raised by Live Aid.  Because of these people 'singing their little hearts 
out', the relief organizations will HAVE to trucks to move the food.  The 
famine was caused by a set of complex conditions - exacerbated by the 
policies of the government - which would have brought about the current 
problems even if the current goverment was 100% helpful."

               *** We'll see how the aid is used.  I feel there is very
little we can do, other than giving the food to the governments involved
and trusting them to do right with it, which based on their record does
not make me feel good.  "Live Aid" is another Children's Crusade!  Isn't
it nice that the governments responsible for a large part of the starvation
aren't white?  Then the "Live Aids" concerts would be raising arms and
rowing to Africa to save their fellow (black) man.  But of course it's
blacks starving blacks and that 'fits', doesn't it?  Who cares what goes
on among 'legitimate' black nations?  How about a rock concert for the
Gulag?  Ahhhh Rock with a soul.  But how long before they drop their
gaze and continue to masturbate.  Sure the weather had something to do
with the conditions leading to the famine.  But with all the outpouring
of concern over the plight of the starving why nothing said about what
got them that way????  Ahhh, not our business.  I'm all for giving them
food but let's give them a moral lesson as well.  Is all we do to bail
out the crazies when they get stuck?  Then all we'll have is the chance
to do it again.  As for training/teaching them to be better farmers -
why if the government is going to take it all or keep the prices depressed
so that it's not worth the trouble to grow anything?  But I sent in my
money (not ME) so I don't have to think about it anymore.  But say, we're
off the topic of homosexuality!!
 I said:
>Just take a peek down the road past Reagan and you should start faintin'.
John repled:

"Why faint?  '88 will be the best chance since '76 to put a Democrat back in 
the White House.  Who is the GOP going to run who will have the charisma, 
personality, and stubborn optimism that Reagan has?  Bush?  Hardly.  It's 
still far too early to tell, though, but the future isn't completely bleak."

                          *** You're kiddin'??  Everything I read says the
Republicans have a surfit of canidates - Kemp, etc.  The Dems have Kennedy
and Cuomo.  The Left Wing!!!!  Worse than before!  No lessons learned!
Sorry, it's not to early to tell.
John says:
"To achieve 'not at all' would require the largest subversion of the express 
and interpreted meaning of the Constitution that we have ever seen in the 
history of this country.  Actually, it will probably remain a partial 
affair for quite some time to come.  While complete gay civil rights would 
be an honorable goal to achieve, it is nevertheless going to be a tough 
fight to reach it.  Legally sliding back the other way, to the 'not at all' 
state described above would be stopped dead at the Supreme Court and the 
Constitution (shy of a Constitutional amendment)."

            *** Look, in a LOT of people's minds the 'subversion' of the
express and interpreted meaning of the Constitution is in things like
Roe vs Wade and School Prayer, etc.  Complete gay civil rights are seen
as dishonorable!  Perversion.  The free ride is over.  NOW you have people's
attention and they don't like what they see.  And they're going to DO something
about it!  Again, trusting in the constitution to protect you is foolish.  It's
what the court at any given time says it is.  Where the hell do you think Reagan
came from????  Why are so many people voting for him???  And AGAINST the left
of the Democratic Party???  They guy's magic!!!  Do you really thing this will
all go away when he ends his second term??  The right has not yet begun to
fight!!  I'm telling you, you'd better do some hard thinkin' and take some
hard actions.  I think I know what they are but I'd like to hear it from you.

"I hope that the previous comments are taking in the same spirit of non-flammable 
objective analysis that they were intended to be in."
John J. Francini
               *** And I hope you all can see past my evil nature or whatever,
and think about my comments.


Ken Arndt