[net.motss] Re. Delta agent and Hep B

arndt@lymph.DEC (08/03/85)

Delta agent first started appearing in the technical literature last fall
(to the best of my knowledge).  It seems to be a virus associated with
Hep B, it appears to need it to multiply or something.

As for it being a "heterosexual" epidemic why who is that "high risk group" so
coyly mentioned in the public health notices as in, "if you are a member of
a high risk group"?  Again, I'm speaking of homosexuals as a VECTOR for the
disease because of their behavior patterns not that loving your fellow man
causes Hep B.  Glad to see a few of you here and in the larger media saying
things like "swinging" from flower to flower can be dangerous to your health.
Even Ray now thinks twice about playing the whore (his Calif. trip report -
it was Ray, wasn't it?) although lately it seems he attributes it to a sense
of maturity about his relationships.  Ole Dr. Tim Johnson (a local star and
ABC medical consultant) made the statement the other night on the telly - so
it must be real - that the best kind of "protective" behavior is to be
monogamous.  It seems there's an AIDS program on every other channel every
night, doesn't it.  And the tip of the iceberg is all that's showing!  The
more the media tries to 'educate' John Q. Public that it's all right the
more people pull back from risk of exposure or what THEY perceive as risk
of exposure.  One doctor on the same program with Dr. Tim stated that a
person should stay away from sperm (beware the sperm of strangers!) since
it has happened that several women have contracted the virus through
art sem programs.  Soon it will be a crime to stay in the stall of a public
washroom for more than three minutes.

With all the talk about the AIDS virus moving to the hets it's still very
largely a homosexually vectored disease!  What happens when we have 500k
with it in this country and who knows how many in other countries?  They
are already talking about millions in the U.S. exposed (all those Bi's
you claim to see behind every bush, eh?)  When health care systems break
down under the load and costs go through the roof and the hets have to
pay and pay for it?  But you see the problem is not just AIDS.  It's a
whole raft of diseases that come in the door (dare I say the back door)
from homosexual sexual practices.  How much do you have to take before
it becomes clear that 'nature' doesn't allow that the rectum is a sexual
organ?  I then ask what are you left with?  The bend of elbows or knees??
And of course the other, ha ha.  The statement that certain homosexual
practices are 'unnatural' doesn't look so far out now, does it?

Ahhhhh, there I've gone and done it again.  Trying to make you feel bad.
Sigh.  If only I were the cause, the solution would be so simple.  If you
asked, I'd really go away.

I'd like to hear a homosexual on the net discuss the pros and cons of what
I've said about homosexual sexual practices in light of recent (and future)
events.  Already my long ago (on the net) suggestion of questioning the
virtue of the 'sexual revolution' (dixie cuppin' in the bars) seems to be
the accepted position in the homosexual world view from fear if not from

Hope they soon come up with a cure, I felt really bad about Rock Hudson.
What a waste of a human being.  But if the disease is 'epidemic' because
of homosexual sexual practices doesn't that make YOU responsible for
the suffering and deaths within and without the homosexual community??
The number of intrav drug users, etc is very small compared to the number
of homosexuals infected.  It IS largely homosexual BEHAVIOR that is
spreading the disease (the certain kinds), you don't get if from playing

Remember, I still lov ya even if I think you're wrong.  When are we (in the
Boston area) gettin' together??  

Well, safe sex guys.


Ken Arndt