cs443@daemen.UUCP (Class Account 443) (05/20/85)

                   Are We Forgetting Something ?
                  ============================== by kieth lemberg

   It is true that the Holocaust that took place in Germany against the Jews and
those opposing the Germans(in the belief of Hitler and his NAZI's),was a dis-

gusting period in history during W.W.II.And since the 1960's the Jews have been

making documentations,news columns,or movies to remind us of the brutality that 

took place in the Nazi concentration camps,so that such a Holocaust wouldn't 

take place again.As well they accused many people of being 'butchers' with KGB 

evidence that is fabricated. And they are forgetting that still today there are

holocausts that have been covered-up or not reminded of the past,that would've

saved more lives in this world if those holocaust would been recognized.{In his-
tory each century had its type of holocaust(s),therefore the only mentioned here
will be the 20th cent.} The holocaust that would've eliminated most of the fa-

mine in the world today,since most of the famine today are in countries(i.e.

Ethiopia and other African nations,Indonesia & some others)falling into the 

hands of the Communists,is the Great Famine in the Ukraine in 1932-1935'?'(there
is a'?'there because it still is going on in the Ukraine and the rest of the So-
viet Union today).How,why did it happen,and why wasn't it in the "presses" or

not expressed vividly?

   After Lenin's death in 1924 the Soviets wished for Lenin's Russian Revolu-

tion to continue on and to support terrorism in the world so that Lenins work

would spread .But the Politburreau had a four year leadership struggle to see

who would be Lenin's successor. During this comotion in Moscow,one of the future

leaders in Soviet Russia is gaining recognition between his comrades on his

philosophy of the use of Marxism in Soviet Russia,this person is Josef Stalin.

In 1927 Stalin was climbing the Soviet leadership ladder to such a height that

in the following year,(1928) he made a little coup so that he could come to

power of Soviet Russia(Note: this coup was in the Communist Party which is

the only one in Russia and;if you have control of the party, practically the

nomination to be the leader of Soviet Russia is at hand).

  As Stalin took command of Soviet Russia in 1928 there was one major problem

facing them,the economy.But this problem of the economy was solved by a plan

that was(and still today it is working by brutal force)called --- The FIVE YEAR


  Five Year Plan - this plan of Stalin's made each persona of the Soviet Rus-
sia to be owned by the state, and each one is to obey the rules of the state;
or else to be punished by the state on charges similar to those who speaks a-
gainst the state - meaning Treason.  
  Most of all each person was given quotas to stand by to,as example farmers
had to produce a certain amount of grain(or i.e.cattle,milk,poultry,ect...) for
the state -- if the quota was not sustained then one is to subjected to be a-
rested and sentenced on the count of`conspiracy'to the state--TREASON .This
plan was/is to stay in acted for the five years stated.

    Well Stalin's plan went in effect in the year 1928,and was successful in his

eyes since the quotas were reached a year earlier than he expected.Therfore he

stated that the next Five Year plan was to begin one year earlier,in 1932 . But

there was a catch to all of this,the catch was an increase in quotas for the 

next Five Year Plan.But the farmers had enough of just of bringing in the first

quotas to the State in the first Five Year Plan.

   The farm land that is the richest in black soil-chorne zemla- in the Soviet

Russia is the Ukraine.Lenin's Communist and the government offered all the good

in the world to the Ukraine.But between the years 1920-1932 the people started 

to see that Lenin's friends and  he were just 'pulling their legs' further as 

did the Tzar(but at least there was more freedom under the rule of the Tzar com-

pared to Communistic rule).The Ukrainians,after Stalin's first successful Five 

Year plan and an increace in the future quotas were not joyful at the idea,but

sick and tired with anger.After hearing Stalin's increase of quotas farmers re-

volted and the farmers went on strike. When Stalin got the news from a Soviet  

Politburreau coorespondent officer,it made him furious that the farmers from

the Ukraine were trying to foil his plan,so he ordered a punishment onto these 

farmers so that he would set an example to the rest of the Soviet Russian popu-

lation. He promised for sure that the people of this population wouldn't forget

the punishment, which the world would sacrely know about what was to come. 

What did Stalin ordered to be the punishment for these striking farmers?

 As soon as possible Stalin ordered the army to remove all the food from the 
farmers' farm and home so that there would be at least ONE loof of bread left 
for at least a month.In addition the grocery stores were forbidden and anyone
else as well,to give anything to the punished Ukrainians;If anyone was caught
red handed they also would be sentenced for'abstruction to the laws of the 
state'or'conspiracy to the state'for helping those that were for a purpose be-
ing punished--meaning again they would be sentenced for "treason" and to live
the punishement with the punished farmers.But exile to concentration camps in 
Siberia and working hard labor was just as popular as execution on the spot.

  As the word was out that Soviet Russia begun a Great Famine in the Ukraine,the

press kept quiet for at least three too many years(in U.S)so that Stalin's name

would not be wirled in mud .Why did they shut out the news about this Stalin

and Soviet produced Great Famine in the Ukraine?

 This reason may be complex to understand,but for those that know the conditions
that were prevailing in the U.S after W.W.I through the 1930's would have a

clearer picture of why the media was pro-Stalin.

  After W.W.I there was a period called the 'roaring'or'rolling'20's which one

may take as a time in U.S. history as fun times.But this fun is just covering

up the fresh scares growing in the economy and in politics.During the 1920's

banks were deflauting one by one(at a slow pace early in the 1920's).Hence in

1929 was a beginning of the Great Depression where unemployment reached 40 per

cent limits in the big cities and kichten soup lines were multipling. Making

the American dream look dimmer as the Depression takes a firmer grip on to the

U.S as well as the rest of the world.

  While the Americans suffer,tha radial Left reveals itself as the the new way.

They expliot the economic turmoil and uncertianty which plagued the nation.

Comunnists and their fellow travelers pointed to the "success"of the great

Soviet experiment. Suddenly,thousands of despairing cleries,college professors,
movie stars,poets,writers and others well-known figures of public opinion be-
gan to look at Moscow for inspiration and guidance.
  This era began making journalists look up to Stalin for inspiration instead of
the Capital- Washington D.C- for answers that they have.Those answers were found
in Stalin's regime and idealogy,which overlooked the grim reality,hence for some

they were ,even on free soil(non-Soviet land:i.e. U.S).But for some who had the 

courage to tell what was going on in Soviet Russia were given a byline in their

newspaper(s) but they were so truncated or found in deep sections of the paper 

where it is hard to find.However one example that at least,but later,in the U.S

got the sec. section front pages was the Chicago American the March4,1935 edi..

But there is a contrast in the way writers in Europe wrote about this famine
produced by Soviet Russia compared to the U.S writers.{NOTE: they as well were
dug in to the newspaper as well,however they sometimes appearred close to the

  Contrast- Manchester Gaurdian:Mar.30,1933,'Famine in Russia';was written
by a former secretary of Lloyd George,Gareth Jones who traveled personally
through villages in Soviet Russia.(mainly in the Ukraine)Jones stated:
"Russia today is in the grip of famine which is proving as diastrous as the ca-
tastrophe of 1921,when millions died".Shocking as this news was,it attracted
little attention and was lighty dismissed by The New York Times correspondent,
Walter Duranty.Such as Mar.31,1933 in the New York Times,p13:'Russians Hungry,
But Not Starving':this response was quiet suprising in the view of the trail
and execution of members of the Commissariat of Agriculture reported in footnote
2.This particular article will be discussed later.

  Anyhow only the LONDON TIMES admitted semi-starvation conditions - though it
did print an accusation by a former Russian charge d'affairs that famine was 
growing and would become more terrible.(May.30 & June.12 of 1933:p15 &p10)While
in the New York World Telegram dated July 7,1933 on p3(burried down at the bot-
tom),Richard Sallet charged severe famine with,"Says Ten Million Starved in 
Russia".But his allegation was hardly noted.

 As well another example of constrast between the reports in the U.S compared 
to European reports is the following(there are so many more that this would be-
come a book therefore this is the last example):

  Within weeks a first-hand accounts of famine became known.The first was a 
group of general travelers including at least one American. Their revelations
were followed by publication of a detailed letterin the Manchester Gaurdian
from a citizen of the Northern Caucasus.The most widely noted report,however,
was that of an American couple,Mr. and Mrs. Stebalo,who recieved special per-
mission to visit their native village.A summary report was written in the
New York Times("Visitors Describe Famime in Ukraine"Aug.29,1933) and a much
more extenive front-page account appeared in Le Matin("L'effroyable Detresse Des
Populations de L'Ukraine[Aug.29,p1-2].The latter was followed by another account
citing statements by refugees and several accounts in the European press{"La 
Famine En Ukraine"in Le Matin p1-2;other citied publ. "Tchass de Roumainie"
(Aug.19),"L'Aftonbladelt(Stockholmes Aug.14:and a brochure,"Bruder im Not"
(Berlin)} .And in England,other European press accounts were noted.

(sourse : 1-Lens,"Radicalism in America"(New York:Thomas Y.Crowell Co.,1969,p297
;London Times,New York Times,Manchester Gaurdian,(Paris)Le Martin )

     But what was a tragedy to all this was one moral mistake FDR made,since the

United States and he were pro-Humanity,was excepting Soviet Russia as a "Pro-

Humanity" state in 1933,while famine in the Ukraine. Until 1935 famine got seri-

ous attenion in the United States,as mentioned above,even though it was old news

in the presses of Eupore which FDR had the chance to find out what is going on. 

As   well   Ukrainians  that   tried   to  change  FDR's  mind by setting de-

monstrations(legally permitted by the city(ies)i.e. New York and/or Washing-

ton D.C.)in cities in the nation to protest the great famine that the Soviet

Russia is producing. During these demonstrations the Ukrainians were bothered

by American Communists and sympathists that were attacking from allies and from

windows in tall buildings.But ironically the Ukrainians were only brused from

the stones and broken bottles thrown at them,while more casualties were on the

Communists and danti-Ukrainian protesters side due to their carelessness of 

throwing the debris at their comrads and by to the police who were protecting

the Ukrainian protectors from any attacks from any non-premitted protester(s).

  But what was going on to the relatives and friends of these protestors in the
Ukraine was a whole lot different of a story and sometimes too grim to tell be-
cause of the creulity.

  The Soviet army with people of each village were digging 'trench' size graves

to be be used for the millions that were dying each year.While people were be-

coming "canibals" in some places to survive this Soviet produced 'genocide'on

the people of the Ukraine.Such as,some would kill their kids or others so the

they would have some meat to chew on and fill their 'bone dry' stomachs.As the

years went by,people(that were concerned about the dying Ukrainians) tried to

smuggle food, were successful but not enough to save them.In addition to this

those that were caught were even shot on the spot.There is another part to this 

story that even hits my heart to the point of anger,that is if any citizen tries

to escape alone or with some outsider out of these villiges and/or towns they 

would be killed on the spot.Even if some outsider helps it is illegal,so tell 

me is this a humain country as the U.S.A and F.D.R proclaimed it to be in 1933?

Not only this angers the to says,'even if a starving person who sees an animal

(i.e.dogs,cat) straying around they would get arrestted and have additional 

charges charged if one kills an animal for food.

      To what is know yet today in American documents and in Ukrainian documents

about this Great Famine is that it lasted until 1935 with a total of 7-9 million

people that died.Hence in the Ukrainian records it is always stated that in o-

ther ways this famine or genocide of the Ukraine is still going on today.Such

as Ruscification of the Ukraine in language ,culture and 'raping' the Ukraine 

from the Ukrainians by sending them to other parts of the Soviet Union,so that

there would not be a concentration of Ukrainians in there way of taking the 

rich cherme-zemla.As well to continue to rob the history and culture of the

Ukrainians with less opposition of yester years(i.e.*Rus'Kiyevan State ).

  Therefore was it worth it for FDR's life and carreer as well for Churchill's

to talk with the Soviets,which were just as bad as NAZI Germany which was dis-

qualified from the talks because of their torture on the Jews and others in 

their way and that the blamed for starting the war. As well the time of the

pre-Potsdam Conference,FDR died while posing for Pres. portrait to whom the

artist was Russian(KGB?),and Churchill lost ground on his on soil because the

Labor Party took controll(KGB and Communist support),a covencidence that the
two that where suspicious of Stalin in the previous Conference lost power.

  As well are we forgetting somothing? YES ,this is as well a vitial era of

history,as the Hitler Nazi era in Germany.

( * Rus' was the name of the country which is today the Ukraine;but when
Peter the Great the Tzar of Mocsovia changed the name to Russia so to mix
people's minds with Rus[rys]and Russia and that it would be easier to assimu-
late to the New name Russia with the old history of Rus ) 

  Sept 7,1984,in Rome died a powerful person of the Ukrainian Catholic Church 
to whom I wish to dedicate this to as a memorial document since he was as well 
a living proof of cocentration camp torture in Siberia,Patriarch Joseph Slipyj,
he was 92 years old at the time of his death.

                      Please if any one has any comment please do so .