[net.motss] Poor 'O'

arndt@squirt.DEC (10/07/85)

'O' says:

"I always thought that a good part of the point of free speech is that
it implicitly says that nobody _knows_ the truth so nobody should make
decisions for everyone else."

Aside from the fact that what he? says has nothing to do with 'free speech'
(including the 'movement' - remember that? - which made saying dirty words
fun because it made us free from feeling guilty about it, manners, and 
getting our mouths washed out with soap by Mom!) what he says sounds like
he woke up in Phil.101 about the time Pyrrho the Sceptic floated up from
the depths.  "We can be certain of nothing, not even of the most trivial
assertions.  Therefore we ought never to make any positive statements on
any subject." (from W.T.Stace A CRITICAL HISTORY OF GREEK PHILOSOPHY,London:
Macmillan & Co. '46. p.362.)  Ole Pyrrho, like 'O' I imagine, was a very
funny fellow.  No catagories, no certainty about anything, no choices to
make and no stands to take - because of course (the death knell of the
'throughly modern man' of the 20th C Phil.101 course!) "Who are YOU to
decide??"  Anyway, one day ole Pyrrho was frightened by a dog and climbed
a tree from which he was rescued by a tolerant (and laughing?) friend who
accused him of being inconsistant for deciding about what to do about the
dog when it came after him.  Ole Pyrrho replied that it was indeed hard
not to come to some decisions!  Perhaps he would, if pressed, said that
he would only decide for himself!  (see Mary Mills Patrick, THE GREEK
SCEPTICS, NY, Columbia U. Pr., p.276.)

Of course one can ask 'O' how he knows nobody knows . . . and nobody should
make decisions for everyone else (isn't THAT a decision for everyone???) just
as one could ask Pyrrho if his ". . . we ought never to make any positive
statements on any subject." is not ITSELF a positive statement.

Er, . . . given what 'O' says about free speech, on what grounds does one
say either "Kill all the homos" or "Leave them alone"???  Or that one opposes
either statement???  Hmmmm, maybe one could say them both and oppose them
both at the same time while drinking a glass of wine (screw top of course)!

All of which is a long-winded way of saying 'O's idea of free speech is
really no speech but more like bird song.

By now no one else is reading this (I always read my own stuff all the way
through) and you have all gone back to worrying about AIDS and are you as
pretty as you used to be, blah, blah, whine, whimper.

Let's see, while I have my attention I'll tell me about why I missed the
Brighten MOTSS "Come and Pat the Pony" Party.  The truth is I wanted to go
but I couldn't shake Mayhem (his real name is Mayhue but don't ever call him
that!!) and he wanted to bash 'the queers', "please can I huh?, huh?".  As
I have told myself before here (no one else ever heard me) I don't go in for
that and would have to act to stop such a thing if it happened in front of
me.  It was a big mistake to tell Mayhem about the party in the first place.
He's a shootin' buddy at the club and we go back a while.  Spend weekends
in the woods with the gang practicing small unit tactics with our assault
rifles and K-bar and face paint.  Just good ole boys all.  Beer, war stories
and a few surface cuts and a good time was had by all.  (If any of you want
to slip into one or OUR parties let me know but PLEASE no swishers!  Promise
you will talk about broads and not stare at anyone taking a pee.)  

Now Mayhem (you may guess how he got his name) is BIG and a real hard core
kinda guy.  The 'Nam did something to his brains.  Too many loud noises and
screams in the night.  He says it all builds up inside his head like snakes
and he has to let it out.  He stabs things with his jungle knife - once he
even cut himself in the leg before he stopped - usually trees, the ground,
etc.  It passes.  His idea of a joke ain't always mine.  My wife says he
will never enter our house.  Can't really blame her.  Sometimes he looks at
you funny.  I always make sure I'm on HIS side when we break up into opposing
forces.  One night around a campfire he started to tell some really bad
stuff about the 'Nam and got really mad.  He scared me and I actually had
to yell "INCOMING!" and beat feet outta there.  It's one thing to see it
one the silver screen and another to know some time-phaser is actually
out there in the bushes with you.  Anyway guys, I couldn't bring ole
Mahem along with me.  He's just not the live and let live philosopher
that I am.  Maybe next time, eh?  

Say, did God try to keep you from gettin' together??  Gloria I mean.
Don't suppose it stopped ya, huh?

Well, good night Ken.

Good night.

gerber@mit-amt.MIT.EDU (Andrew S. Gerber) (10/08/85)


As most of you have probably noticed, Mr. Arndt has been posting his
innane comments on life to net.motss again.

I made the mistake of replying once before.  I caution you, DON'T! Ken
is not out to discuss anything.  He is out to argue, insult, and just
raise everyone's temperatures.  For example:

(from nearly a year ago)

                    Doesn't hurt you, eh?  As long as you don't get AIDS (which
                    we all understand doesn't have ANYTHING to do with 
                    homosexual behavior and practice, or any other cute little
                    disease) or you are not phychologically damaged (as any
                    heterosexual - see Perlow?) by promiscuity.  And no need
                    for you hurt yourself by missing out on a family with 
                    children - you can always adopt (with a little change to 
                    the laws - like ERA).  And never to know that one woman
                    who above all others fills your life as a woman, to 
                    stand beside her as she gives birth to your child -
                    Doesn't hurt you?  YOU LEAPING SCREAMING ASSHOLE!!
Happily, he disappaered for quite a while after this flame.  I hope
that noone make the mistake I did (hell - I was an innocent sophomore who
hadn't even used rn yet).

				Yours in Moderation,

				Andrew Gerber