[net.motss] Effeminate Gays

diliddo@dec-mlfs1.UUCP (03/04/86)

>I feel that the response I am seeing on the net about a new stereotype
>for gays is somewhat of an overreaction. 
>I think that these movies have shown some positive role 
>models for young gays 

I agree that the steroetype of gays on TV and movies has greatly 
improved; over the years no mater how plastic they seem.  When I was 
fifteen going through the awful stage of realizing that the high school jocks 
were calling me 'fag' for a reason the last thing I needed to see was "The Boys 
in the Band" on the late show; seeing Emery swishing around calling 
everyone "Mary" I wanted to kill myself right then and there.  I knew I was 
gay and I was petrified that I might actually act that way some day.  It 
came as a great relief when I began coming out and found that not all gays 
acted effeminate.
I know I'm going to get a lot of flames for saying this but I CAN'T STAND 
effeminate acting gays!  Oh sure, I've got lots of friends that I've met at 
the local bar that camp it up, but I'd be embarrassed to be seen with some 
of them in public.  I know I've got a very negative opinion 
but the truth is the truth!  Being gay doesn't mean you've got to act the 
part.  If guys want to pretend that they're in the cast of "Dynasty" (a few of 
my friends actually do!) inside a gay bar then that's fine; all I ask is 
that they keep it to themselves when they see me in public!  I've got 
friends that act the part ...SURE they are some of the sweetest guys I know 
but as far as even ATTEMPTING a relationship with a flame...FORGET IT...
To me being gay means that I find *men* sexually attractive not pseudo-men 
who live on gossip about what a bitch this one or that one is.  

I'm trying my best not to pontificate too much but this subject struck a
chord with me!  I've seen friends of mine in high school who started 
getting into the bar scene only to become the exact type I'm talking about. 
It seems that the yearning to fit in with everyone else is the biggest 
downfall to gay masculinity (..wait is that a oxymoron? I hope not!) 

Replys as well as Mail

Jim.....the angry young you-know-what!!!