[net.news.adm] "line-eater" strikes again?

msb@lsuc.UUCP (Mark Brader) (03/18/85)

We recently received two articles with the beginnings chopped off as if
by the so-called "line-eater" bug.  They were both posted by cadtec!rick
and they arrived along the same path.  Below is the header from one of the
affected articles.  Can people along the path please check it out and see
whether the article is intact on their own system?

Reports from people near our end of the path who have it intact, or near
the other end who have it damaged, would also be useful.

As I remember the description of the bug, if it is intact on system A but
damaged on adjacent system B, it is A that has the bug ... but I'm not sure.
Articles affected are those where the body of the article begins with a
space or tab character.

	-*-	-*-	-*-	-*-	-*-	-*-	-*-	-*-	-*-
Here's who I am:

{ allegra | decvax | duke | ihnp4 | linus | watmath | ... } !utzoo!lsuc!msb
		      also via { hplabs | amd | twg | ... } !pesnta!lsuc!msb
Mark Brader		    and			   uw-beaver!utcsri!lsuc!msb
	-*-	-*-	-*-	-*-	-*-	-*-	-*-	-*-	-*-

And here's the header and the beginning of the article:

Relay-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/18/84; site lsuc.UUCP
Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/17/84 chuqui version 1.7 9/23/84; site cadtec.UUCP
Path: lsuc!utcs!utzoo!watmath!clyde!bonnie!akgua!sdcsvax!sdcrdcf!trwrb!scgvaxd!wlbr!voder!nsc!cadtec!rick
From: rick@cadtec.UUCP (Rick Auricchio)
Newsgroups: net.periphs,net.unix-wizards,net.unix
Subject: Nonstandard partitions on Fuji EAGLE
Message-ID: <43@cadtec.UUCP>
Date: 15 Mar 85 22:03:27 GMT
Date-Received: 18 Mar 85 15:22:25 GMT
Reply-To: rick@cadtec.UUCP (Rick Auricchio)
Distribution: net
Organization: Cadtec Corp., San Jose CA
Lines: 17

, we of course get back 'd' at ~7mb.

Is there any compelling reason why I shouldn't do this, other than the fact
that I'll have a locally customized driver?

glc@akgua.UUCP (G.L. Cleveland [Lindsay]) (03/20/85)

>We recently received two articles with the beginnings chopped off as if
>by the so-called "line-eater" bug.  They were both posted by cadtec!rick
>and they arrived along the same path.  Below is the header from one of the
>affected articles.  Can people along the path please check it out and see
>whether the article is intact on their own system?

>Path: lsuc!utcs!utzoo!watmath!clyde!bonnie!akgua!sdcsvax!sdcrdcf!trwrb!scgvaxd!wlbr!voder!nsc!cadtec!rick

 I checked it on the "akgua: system.  It's truncated here as well,
so the problem is upstream somewhere.


Lindsay Cleveland  (...{ihnp4|mcnc|sdcsvax|clyde}!akgua!glc)
AT&T Technologies/Bell Laboratories ... Atlanta, Ga
(404) 447-3909 ...  Cornet 583-3909