[net.news.adm] pathalias for 16-bit machines?

campbell@maynard.UUCP (Larry Campbell) (09/16/85)

Has anyone ever hacked pathalias to run on 16-bit machines (that is,
with lots of input, like the whole uucp map)?  I know it would be slow,
since temp files would be required, but right now it takes infinitely
long to complete on my machine (i.e., it crashes).
Larry Campbell                     decvax!genrad
The Boston Software Works, Inc.                 \
120 Fulton St.                 seismo!harvard!wjh12!maynard!campbell
Boston MA 02109                         /       /
                                   ihnp4  cbosgd

ARPA: campbell%maynard.uucp@harvard.arpa